Oct 13, 2012


wet and slimey outside so bring in the cars!

all furniture was moved so they could maneuver better

thinking about his next project (snowmen pieces behind him)

Autumn and I made 4 snowmen out of paper plates and she named them Mommy snowman, Daddy snowman etc.
some of the oils we use, most on a daily basis (clear ones are mixtures for particulars)

Our bathroom stash:)

Autumns room most mornings

some of her books
a 3 yr olds closet

Doms room and his tote of cars!

a nearly 2 year olds closet

Our room most mornings
my side of the closet (no sexy clothes here)

our night stand with a very important book and a layer of dust to write your name in
Happy Fall!
Ah the sweet life! I decided to add some pictures of the interior of our house since I have been accused of being "organized and spotless". Not that these are bad things! I love when someones says "oh Summer, your  house is always so clean". At that moment I am praying that a closet door does not burst from the pressure of all the crap I have shoved into it;). I also including a picture of the oils that we use to show what is helping us and that they aren't little viles of witch doctor brew.
Dominic has turned another page. As always, when I break down and share something, the whole situation changes and I think to myself if I had held out just a little longer I wouldn't have needed to share that. Well, I'm glad that I do share with you all things good and not so good. The Babes were running the show for a bit and Dana and I needed a swift reminder that we are the parents and that we needed to step up or we would be in deep chaos.:)
I love love love sleeping with our kids. I have shared all that before. My body, ribs in particular, are not finding it enjoyable anymore. So, the mind started to think and Dana and I thought we would try the two of them in the same bedroom for a bit. See if that helps them to stay in their room for the night. Last night was our first go of it. I see this morning that Dominic is in his big boy bed and Autumn is tuck snugly next to Dana in our bed. It at first...eh? I started the project yesterday even though Dana and I agreed to move beds and toys together on Sunday. I get something in my head and I just have to do it. The kiddos were great helpers and very excited for all the commotion. I think they especially liked how many toys I had to bring out to the living room so I had room to maneuver a crib and a day bed. We had blocks, Lego's, books, cars (tons), potato heads, my little ponies, and doll houses all in one wonderful pile in the center of the house. It made for an amazing distraction while I pulled apart a crib. Dominic would come to the back and say "What you doing Mom?" "I'm not sure Dom." "OK. BYE!" Autumn would come to the back, "Mom, can I help? I'm a good helper. What is this for? Why are you pulling that off? Why is my bed in Dominic's room? Where are my ponies? Do you need help Mom? Just say 'Autumn I need you' and I will come help okay Mom? I will be in the living room, okay Mom". Yes,Autumn. All the toys in one room look incredible. Incredible like "oh my gawd how did you get so many toys?!" I think we will try to go through them and get rid of what they don't play with (hardly anything) and store the ones less played with and pull them out in intervals. I kept both single beds on the floor so if they take a roll the fall won't be far. This is a good idea in theory. I didn't take into account how I was going to force nap times;) It took about half an hour to get Dom to stay in his bed. I had to cover my laughing when I would hear him plodding down the hall "hi Mom!" He handle the take back good and finally crashed with his sister laying in her bed wide eyed and determined not to fall asleep. I kept telling Autumn "just rest your eyes a minute and I will come back to check on you". I came back and she wasn't in bed, she wasn't in the toy room or our bedroom. Autumn was standing in the closest with a soft giggle "I'm hiding Mom, and I pooped, will you change me? I'm not tired, can I play Polly pockets?" Yes and yes. On our way to dinner 5 hours later she fell asleep in the 3 min. car drive. Oh little sweets, you make me laugh.
So, with a bit more organizing to do ( I had to stop in the afternoon when the kids decided they needed to be in the same room with me) the rooms are changed and I think it is going to work out.
Papa Bruce is in town and Dominic is showing some insanely funny attitude! He handed Papa a toy and as soon as Papa could almost touch it Dominic pulled it away from him and walked away smirking. Have you ever seen a 21month old smirk? It is HILARIOUS!!! Dad and I got a belly laugh and the kids joined in unaware that Dom was the joke. I've had lots and lots of kisses from Dominic lately. He holds my face and stares at me. I feel like he is telling me "Well done sucker, you made it through that last one now let's get to the fun stuff!" He really is quite a lover. When an injury happens, a step on a car, a bonk on the melon, a collision with sister, Dom needs a kiss. Not wants a kiss, NEEDS it. Whatever body part was bumped, bruised, pushed or kicked he holds up high saying "Owie!" and waits for love. Miraculously the kiss heals all and he is off to the races!
Autumn has questions about everything. She also wants to be a part of everything! Supper, folding clothes, feeding dogs, loading groceries, changing brother, she is always ready to help out. Her fold jobs are too cute and wrinkled clothes have a new meaning. I don't have the heart to tell her a ball of shirts does not fit in the drawer well. No worries, now is the season for jackets so i can wear my wrinkles proudly!
The newest favorite song in the Goodan children's home is PSY by Gangnam Style(?). The babes watch it on YouTube a couple times a day. They don't watch the actual music video they like a spoof with a man dressed in a red suit (they call him spiderman) gyrating all over what looks to be a college campus. Autumn will do her "Horton" dance, which is on all fours, butt in the air and shaking her bootie. It's cute right now. Daddy is a little nervous about that move;) Dominic does more of a run, freeze, bounce up and down only moving the legs then one arm in the air, move. He is about the cutest dancer I've ever seen. His Dad might take the trophy. So, life is moving fast and funny once again. We shake off the dirt, kick up our heels and keep on keepin on. I don't think we have much fall left but I will try to get some shots of the kiddos so you can see how much they have grown. Hopefully I can post a video so that you can hear Dominic count to 12 and Autumn telling him not to mix the lemons with the oranges:)
Cheers! (Dom just walked down the hall from his new bed, what a big boy! "Morning Mom, where's Papa Bruce?" Night one a success...for the most part) :)


Anonymous said...

Great pictures - -

Lala said...

Wonderful pictures and great story as well. They grow up way too fast! I love that Autumns hair is growing!! She is so cute and of course so is Dom.
Love you and Dana, MOM