May 16, 2011

Sunday fun day

my 2nd fave place with our kids, 1st being the yard

can they get any sweeter?!

"Mommie! Elephant with hat!" she was right I have a hat on top of an elephant,I'm doing a back up singer move in the background;)

nap time after a busy morning...YES!

no wonder the carpet was squishy?

not back sweat I promise, he turned his shirt around after hauling wet carpet so he could hold Dom

Dana likes demo...really
Before I update you on the most adorable Dana Goodans I have to get something off my chest that I am very confused about. Red at night sailors delight, red in morning sailors warning...right? Last night as we watched the blazing sun I shared this little diddy with Dana, "what the hell do sailors like?" Ha! Guess he is over the brutal wind we had yesterday. Anyway, it is now red in the morning. So what do the sailors say to that? Since we have so many sail boats in central Montana I just thought I would put that out there. Maybe Montana does not follow the sea mans guidelines.
Mamma Jo and Papa Bob have been gone for less than a week. Dana opens and closes the store and hasn't had hours like this since Phoenix. We have been vera vera spoiled! This also means that he works a half day on Sat. so yesterday we crammed like made to do weekend work in one day. Let me get honest a moment. We put off a lot during the week (we have plenty of time at night just lack of motivation) so we hustled yesterday to organize our pile of basement things moved to avoid ground water seepage, deliver a couple thirty-one bags, mow the lawn and pick rock, laundry (can't find the dang sour load I put away unknowingly but I smell it!) and tire the kids out so I could do a couple massages before we pulled up soppy carpet to eyeball the damage...since Dana and I know so much about leaks and foundation and well construction in general...hardy har har!!! We hauled both babies downstairs to watch Fresh Beat Band and hopefully fall asleep while we worked, since we didn't take anyone up on their offer to watch them. Dominic let us know every other minute he was not happy about the arrangement and Autumn was inches away from us at all times. Quick movements were not allowed so instead of hucking a big ol piece of wet carpet and getting it out of your hands as soon as possible we got to hold it, savor the smell, take in the cold wet feel, look around for a small brunette with a putty knife, creep around her the whole time answering her one question of the night asked a million times "what choo doing mommy daddy?" I guess she figured if she lumped us together one of us would always answer. Dana did the heavy work of dragging the carpet up and out and Autumn and I scraped something that looks like it may have been padding. She really was a help as it was so wet it wasn't too hard to scrape off. After this and a feeling of accomplishment Dana said (I think because of sheer exhaustion why else would he say something so nutso) "After doing this I get kinda of excited and think we could do this ourselves". I hope my face didn't say what I was thinking which was a little R rated instead I said "Yeah, as long as we get a BABYSITTER!" Thankfully I think it was just a fleeting thought. I think he is over it...I hope he is over it. I have a yard to take care of...sure I will help with the basement...NEXT WINTER! :) So, first small project together was a success. We laughed and cleaned up and off to the store I went. I guess I wasn't quite down to my reserves so why not go grocery shopping. It was the perfect time, hardly a soul in there. I got home and we ate, laughed some more, watched a very very tired Autumn plop around but not want bed, and yes we are those parents that ask a nearly two year old "do you want to lay in your bed?" "No mommy" "Do you want to lay in Mommy's bed" "yes mommy,night night Daddy, night night t.v,night night this night night that". As soon as we got everything and one ready for bed Autumn jumped right out of sleep mode and into "all done sleeping mode". She made it about 5 mins. Then lights out. Dana and I agreed our dogs were howling at the moon and begging for relief, we shut the lights did our final sighs of omg this is heaven and listened to the angry wind. "Dana, should we move Dom" (he sleeps in his chair under the window) "I was just thinking that". So we literally pull ourselves up and move our son because we are paranoid and so wise on Montana wind (HA!). Our thoughts...the wind is going to blow a branch out of our tree and it will come sailing through our window onto a sleeping Dom. Everyone safe?! Autumn! you got enough room on your HALF of the king bed? Jesh...and goodnight, lights out all the way to 3a.m when I switched spots with Dana to watch Dominic sleep on the couch.
Oh Sunday, goodbye.:)
Today I am off to Stanford to have lunch with my mother. Sunday was a great day but I am real happy to see Monday!:)


Summer said...

Oh one more thing, Dominics "chair" is a recliner thing for babies, a wonderful invention our neighbor Bree was so kind to let us use!

raquel said...

Dom is getting so big . . have some nice pictures of the kids, I have to deal with the leaking roof this week so I'm so sick of this wind and rain!! Love you

Lala said...

OMG! I am exhausted just reading your blog! I thought you had a little of the crazy eye look when I had breakfast with you this morning. Oh my, doesn't life in the fast lane sound so dull and slow in comparison to what it Has in Montana...LIVING LA VIDA LOCA!!!!! ARRIBA ARRIBA! AYE, AYE, AYE!