May 20, 2011

To Bean, our unmentioned Goodan

Bean, our loyal faithful friend

Bath time with sister

Grover really wanted the "baby down"!


She put her boots on all by herself!

Littles the dancer

A flower for you

Tickle tickle brother!
Yesterday I drove  to Billings with the kids to see Aunt Raquel, or Grannie Auntie or Lala Rach(she has a lot of names). She is my mothers sister and she is a very funny girl and has been a great friend to me. As I was driving there I was again struck dumb with the wide open spaces (yes that's a song) and the beauty of Montana. It's gorgeous here. I love driving. It's a time I know what both kids are doing and where they are and they can't move. I can listen to my music (g-rated for Miss Repeat) and not feel guilty that I am not cleaning or dragging furniture around.
I knew Bean (our second dog for those that don't know since I rarely talk about her) had a grooming appointment. We shave her in the summer and get her smelling good and it's nice to pay someone else to clean her yeasty beasty ears. (gross yes). We met a new groomer at the spring fling a few months maybe weeks ago. She was nice and new so hey lets give her our business. Never again. Dana said he had dropped her off (Bean not the groomer) and the first thing the women said as they got out of the car was a dig on Bean being "obese". Oh no lady. I may not like Beans smell, I may not spend time with her like I did Gemini, but, BUT! she is my dog and you do not pick on MY DOG! I have no idea why this bothers me so...yes I do. I've been very very cold to Bean. I tell Dana "She just isn't Gemini. I just don't like her. I didn't pick her out." Rude. Bean has been a great dog to us and to me. She has gone through just as much as Gemini did and still she comes loyal and faithful looking for love knowing I probably will not give it to her. This stranger throwing a thoughtless insult about my "parenting" cut through me. I don't think of Bean as obese. I think she is 10 and if she wants to eat two cups of food a day good for her. Now however I know that this poor little black dog has been very alone for a long time and it is time for me to let her know I do love her and she is a part of this family. We have taken her on walks and trips to Lala's but always it was a burden not an adventure. No more. Get ready Bean we are going back to basics. Love, nutrition and exercise. Get ready to be spoiled. No Goodan in this household is going to be picked on by a groomer! Ha! That sounded funny to me. Anyway, my point is I think it was a bit of a God thing that I got so upset a stranger would insult my dog. I sat with Bean in the yard last night and rubbed her head and told her she smelled so good and patted her butt and said good dog. I haven't seen her wag her body in a long time. It hurt my heart that my affection was a rare treat. So...ON WARD. I will fix this. And I will not bad mouth this new business, I just won't go back and I will secretly thank her for opening my eyes.
Now, off to Billings we go. As we walked into Lala Rach's house the babes were dry. I had picked Autumn out of her seat and her butt was not wet, either was my arm. I reached in and felt Dom and he was doing good as well. Full but good. Our first stop would be a changing station. As we walked into the house and Grover and Freddy greeted us the way little dogs do Autumn shot her arms in the air "hold you Mommy". I become Mommy when it's very important I do as she says. I picked her up and put Dominic on the coffee table. Bark bark bark. Now my arm is wet. It's also very warm and it's spreading. Dang her pants were so cute and made the outfit but here we go lets change you. As I look down at Dominic with his wide eyes and look of "what the..." I watch as his dry shirt becomes wet. How did Dana pass down the urge to pee when scared? I will never know. The visit was great! Autumn sat on the counter, demolished bowls of fruit, helped pulse olives (she may have peed at this time again), and she only really really wanted to touch Grover who does not like to share his Mommy. I saw my cousin Blade just briefly as he was in and out and spent a few hours just visiting with Raquel. I ate too much and would have liked to climb in bed for a snooze but instead came home when I saw bags forming on the kids face. When I was talking with Grannie Auntie, I wondered if I would open my door to an adult Juju with her kids and visit with her like this. Ellie and Addy live in Oregon so I don't think i will get many day visits unless they go to school in MT. But I started to think how crazy it is that this woman that has become my friend has known me since birth. She's probably even seen my bare butt!!! I listen to her talk and watch her with our kids and sometimes you can almost see my mother. I think that is why Autumn calls her Lala and we had to add the Rach. How do little ones know family already. With out really knowing she knows that this woman looks and talks like Lala so she must be Lala. Hmmm. Interesting.
The trial day trip was a good one and next time I will go earlier and stay longer. I didn't ask if I could I just will. Both Autumn and Dominic were pooped when we got home and bed time came early. Yay!!! For Dom that means awake time comes early too!
Dana is off to Bozeman for a golf tournament and after a couple runnings this morning I am homeward bound. It is raining again so hopefully the basement won't become too messy. Happy Friday friends and family!


raquel said...

It was such a great time seeing you guys. Next time you come hopefully it will be a sunny day and the "stiller boys" can go outside...Having Autumn come up to me outside and hug me gave me such a warm feeling that stayed with me after you left. Dominic with his beautiful eyes and perfectly round little head and his cooing, well, absolutely amazing.

Lala said...

Your blog was a great read this morning. Sounds like you guys had a fun time at little buddys' (my nickname for my little sister;) I loved the pictures of the crabby Grover...he reminds me of Bella when the grand babies are around me. Pouring rain here as well. Have a great day indoors. Love you all

raquel said...

P.S. Bring beautiful gentle little Bean any time you come down....