May 10, 2011

babes...all of us

Lala Papa and A


d and lala
our smiling boy

an artist with style!

Little lefty makes her Papas proud!

such concentration for something new
Dominic weighed in at 14.5lbs and is 24 3/4 tall! Growing boy! The Doctor was quite pleased as he was barely on the charts at birth and is now sitting right smack in the middle on everything. Unlike Sister who is off the charts with her dome. However someone so bright must have storage for all that genius! Things are great in the D.Goodan household. Rain has delayed Daddy from golf and also drown my new little seeds but that is okay! We drove to GreatFalls last Friday and saw Lala and Papa for lunch and it was GREAT! My mother is so gorgeous and still crackin jokes. We didn't go up on Mothers day but spent it with Mamma Jo and Papa Bob. The steaks we ate were ungodly enormous but it didn't stop us from finishing them and even giving Bean a few bones. Little Dom is squirming in my arms so my wit is a bit off, sorry. Tomorrow is Chemo Day for Lala (almost sounds like a festival, almost) and I will be heading up there to spend some time with her. Great friends and family have made it possible for me to go and without them I wouldn't be able to be there. Have a great Tuesday friends, Dom is done with computer time.


raquel said...

Say hello to sis for me and give her a big hug...Love your pictures

Lala said...

I was so great to spend one on one time with you. I love that I can talk about anything with you or Whit. That is one of the beauties of having daughters. I also liked that we had nurse Deanna again...and no interruptions from the Hittites. You have wonderful friends that will watch your children so you can come sit with your old mom. Thank you and Dana. I love you.