Apr 8, 2011

My tool belt.

Autumn has made it to Youtube. I have no idea what we titled it...Dancing to ring tone or something like that. For my non face book friends it is a very cute video of her telling me NO CAMERA! (that might be the title come to think of it). Sweet baby girl is chatting so much that it is time to really watch my mouth. Not that I ever say anything R rated of course. Just want to make sure that she doesn't learn sarcasm. Ha! Last night the B.Goodans came over for supper and Papa Bruce is visiting from Seattle. It was hilarious! While Autumn was in the bath she said "Mommy? Grammie, Papa, fun." What?! Did my little miss Awesome just tell me she had a fun night? She didn't look up from her bath crayons or really even seem to know that I was there but it was the cutest thing ever! She told Dana the same thing a little later. What a doll! She now says NO WAY! for anything she doesn't want instead of just saying it with no meaning. "Autumn do you want to have oatmeal today?"  "NO WAY Mommy". "Autumn will you help me put your coat on so we can go?" NO WAY. "Autumn, lets try and get that massive boog out of your nose". NO WAY MOMMY! and off she goes with her floating run down the hall or anywhere I can't get to her with my q-tips.
I pulled a bink out of my pocket yesterday after Papa Bruce asked if Dominic had one. He said "Jeez you have a stash somewhere". It's a habit that I am sure most moms have, our stash of needs in our teeny tiny I have to look cute with throw up on my shoulder jeans. Anyway, it gave me a thought that I should wear a tool belt. Maybe cute it up a bit, you know put some bling here and there and maybe some patches (we don't need no stinkin patches!) and of course get rid of the boring buckle snap. I would carry a bottle for Dom, some q-tips for boogs (obviously I have a booger fetish) some wipes for weird dirty spots that end up on Autumns cheeks, some snacks for her while we are coloring or running up and down the hall (quick! here's a piece of cheese...pant pant pant) and then some clippers in case one of them drops into sleep and they have a nail that I suddenly remember I was going to clip three days ago. It wouldn't be a diaper bag, it would be my mommy tool belt and it would come in different colors so it could match my granny panties that it would most likely pull up to my shoulder blades (thinking of my friend Wendy here). It would have a couple weights on the sides too so that I could work on my figure while keeping a smile on my face and my breathing regular and my hair just right while I make supper with Autumn on my leg, Dom on my hip and Bean behind us to catch the scraps. Just added some more pockets...Dog treats, comb,apron,ipod,PHONE HOLDER THINGY, and maybe a place for my water bottle that I don't drink ever. My tool belt is going to be vera vera cute.

1 comment:

Lala said...

Get one of those 'bra' cell phone holder thing that Mel had when he and your dad came to Montana. That would top off your attire and make it look like you really knew what you were doing as you grasp at your chest trying to get to your phone ;) Love to read your blog. Love, Mom