Apr 16, 2011

Molars coming for girl and sleeping all night for boy!

her new fave hat...used to be Daddy D's party hat

her flirtness

cousin Terra getting love

keeping Daddy safe

Lala on first day of chemo

Always a joker

my Dads

Chemo day 1...check

yes it is a blue tooth and yes she is cleaning!

my boys
This morning Autumn, Dominic and Dana were playing on the floor. Danas' stomach growled, Autumn looked up, walked around to his back and pulled his shorts, "You poop Daddy?". Oh the things we do to these little people that they remember and mimic just as soon as they can. This afternoon we were at the hardware store and the cashier asked Dana for his i.d "since your card isn't signed". I said "way to go Dana " and smirked while holding Autumn who with bink in mouth and her new "futterfly" yard ornament said "way to go Dana". It truly seems that over night our baby girl is a changin. She loves to say goodnight to everything on the way to bed, juice, fridderrator,peenquin,books, balls, t.v, lights, Nominic, and insists on kiss and hug and kiss. The other day while helping with laundry she handed me a spray bottle to squirt in her mouth. "Help please Mama". "No problem Autumn, here you...HOLY CRAP ARE THOSE YOUR MOLARS?! Lemme see your teeth please." No Mom". Later on I sneaked a peak and sure enough all four are just below the surface. Little trooper or super girl with a very high pain tolerance hasn't showed any signs of these new friends.
Just like big sister, Dominic is growing wonderfully. He tries with all his might to hold his bottle but has only mastered the one hand. He knows what he wants and when he wants it and two seconds after his first utter for more is TOO LATE! I shared with Dana "Your son screams like a girl just so you know", "Well in case you forgot wife so does his Dad". Reminded me of a scene on the movie Accepted. My manly boys have pipes! Dominic's eyes are holding blue/hazel much to my loving. When he smiles his eyes disappear and his nose crinkles. He is starting to talk to us and when sister comes around his legs kick like crazy and his arms flail like he is rowing up stream. I always say to him "Hi Dommy!" Autumn says right next to me, "Hi Dummy". Oh boy, guess I better stick with Nominic for a while.
Last week our sweet friend Vickie sat with Dominic for the day while Dana went to work, Autumn to Grammie Jo's and I to GreatFalls for my mothers first round of chemo. On the drive I couldn't think of anything to pray so I just repeated over and over "Help me God. Help me, please God help  me! Help me to be strong for the strongest person in the world. And help me to keep it together so I don't ruin my makeup...jesh". He helped out all around. I showed up with decent makeup and the day went as good as it could go. The first day was a lot of information to take in but between Mother, the Dads, my sister Whitney and myself being there I think we will retain most of it. I am so glad that we live close now. I don't know what we would do if we were still in Phoenix. Please check out her blog if you have not already www.divinesecretsoflala.blogspot.com Also we are asking that if you want/need info about Mother please contact me or my sister. We know that everyone loves her so much and is concerned but to make it a bit easier for her we are starting an info phone tree so that we can all move up the chain and take some of the stress of keeping everyone informed off Mom, Dad and Whitney.
Our families feel your support and prayers, we appreciate every thought you have for us. With an incredible support system this will be as easy as it can be. Thank you! Heres to a wonderful week to you and yours!


raquel said...

Love reading your blog, my little routine: facebook (to check for any new pics), Julie's blog, Summer's blog.....(This is repeated throughout the day) I enjoy seeing the pictures you post, your comments and how much Autumn is learning and entertaining and growing. Love you guys

Lala said...

Great Stuff! I cannot stop crying, I think it is the meds and maybe it is years of trying to be a macho man. I am pooped and me peepers are squinty. My grand babies are all so precious and beautiful. Thanks for your blog.