Apr 2, 2011

Acting as IF

smiles for Daddy

Grammie Jo and Dom sharing secrets

Kaitlyn the sweetheart

sister love

Lala and Autumn

this sign doesn't work

Hey you

both our babes have the cutest feet EVER!

she twiddles her fingers when she's thinking
Well March flew by for this family. Not really sure how an entire month went by almost unnoticed. I have loved the "long winter" and almost wish for another storm but I am in the minority on that thought. I am even beginning to think Miss Autumn is over the white stuff. We all survived with minimum winter sickness but just for good measure the kids and I thought we would revisit the Lewistown crud.
Now to address the white elephant that is standing in the corner. My mother has breast cancer. Her story is at www.divinesecretsoflala.blogspot.com . She is an amazing writer and still cracking jokes which may just be where I learned to handle the bad with humor. I have "friends" that say "Act as if". If you are upset with someone or that someone is upset with you and you have to see them act as if until you actually feel the way you want or maybe should. Maybe I just destroyed the saying. Anyway, I choose to act as if she is still the same. She is after all the same women she was the day before she got the diagnosis. Some heard the news and seemed to almost have her buried and gone. I choose to stay in my happy place that reads the high survival rates and the power of positive thinking. After all the outlook on life is half the battle. I'm absolutely scared for her year to come. I know it isn't going to be easy but I know she is a fighter (a dirty one at times) and this is going to be a great battle. My family has been through so much. I finished listening to Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis and the last chapters seemed to be exactly about this. It amazes me when God sends those little "coincidences". For now I will act as if. I will post happy pictures, I will play with my kids, I will hug my husband and laugh out loud. I will not surrender our life to this nasty, rude, disgusting disease. I will be here for my mother, I will be here when she is having a not so strong moment and I will stand strong when she needs to lean on me. When I am not feeling strong I will lean on Dana and he and I together will be strong for mom and tell her she is starting to look more and more like the missing link. (Inside joke, she is strong like an ox and the fact that dentists and other docs can't figure her out has led me to ask her if she is the missing link). Is that in bad taste? My entire life I have relied on her to help me and now it is time for me and for others that have relied so heavily on her to step up and take our own reins so that she can focus on her. That is more to myself but feels better when I say you all need to fix something too :) I hope you check her blog out. It's nice to get a preview of what goes on in her mind.


Erin said...

You and your mom have it figured out . . . act as if, continue to laugh and love, and when you find it hard lean on someone else. I teach with a woman who sounds a lot like your mom. She, by the way, has been cancer free for a few years now. During her fight against breast cancer, she would visit the doctor with a new something adorning her breast. The doctors were always surprised by the plastic bugs, target, jewels, and stickers that would be waiting for them. I will be running the Komen Race for the Cure in a couple weeks and I will be thinking of your mom throughout. Both of you will be in my prayers! Hugs to the little ones :)

Anonymous said...

You once again nailed it Summer your writting is so poignant and truthful you take 1/3rd of what you write and you will not miss a beat with this life situation. Think of your journey to where you are now....the timing is amazing I can not think of a stronger person to take on what is in front of you guys.

Nothing but positive still coming your way from the Midwest!

The Montgomery klan

Lala said...

I LOVE LOVE Love this latest blog because of the new pictures. Your thoughts in print are good too ;) 'Act as if' is another great way to say 'fake it til you make it'. Erin's friend sounds like my kind of woman. Targets on my chest sounds hilarious but of course they would have to have some bling on them :) Great writing Summer. Love, MOM