Apr 19, 2011

Easter eggs and steak!

 Sunday we loaded up the family and went all the way to city park. Would have been just as fast (maybe quicker) to walk. Soon it will be nice enough we won't need jackets and soon I won't be so worried about filling a diaper bag with 4 diapers each (not 2 or 3, 4!) and a back up bag of wipes, change of clothes for Dom and some snacks for Autumn. We live 5 minutes from anywhere. I think if Autumn was suddenly struck hungry we could manage. Anyway, it was quite the turn out! Yay Lewistown! Thankfully our friend Liz told us about it. 0-3 year olds had a head start, what a genius idea! Autumn wasn't sure what we were doing but picked up on the game of gathering treasures pretty quick! The park was covered with eggs, pencils, erasers, nick nack toys, treats and bubbles. With in 10 mins of unleashing the children it was spotless...well except for deer and dog poop. It was great fun! Autumn saw her good buddy Meredyth and they exchanged goodies. What good sharing girls! Last night as a last minute "Oh No I have to make dinner!" I grabbed some steaks from the deep freeze. Lala and Papa Mark blessed us with half a cow at the beginning of winter and I think maybe we have made a dent in the thing. We started up the grill, who cares that it's snowing, fried up some potatoes, nooked some broc n cheese and of course some chicken for A. (Love the Schwanns Man!) While Dana prays before our meals, Autumn now helps. She whispers while her head is bowed and usually just repeats Daddy. The sweetest part was "Bless this family God" from Dana and "bess family God" from Autumn. Heart strings yanked! I gave A my bone after to see what she would do, kinda of the turkey leg bit for cute pictures, she instantly put it in her mouth and was not impressed. Ever the persistent 22month old she kept trying and decided "mmm, like Mommy". At least we waited this long to give her the good stuff. She only recently started eating red meat and its a keeper. Good ol Montana girl;) After supper we all played on the floor and watched Autumn in and out of her mesh tent. There is a seat shaped like a puppy in her tent. She kept pointing and saying something and we got the giggles. Sweet baby girl was telling us the Dog was in the tent. It came out "dog tit Mommy, Daddy" oh my. Controlling the giggles was not easy but we didn't want to start the comedian on repeat.  It was a great ending to a great day. Mondays at the Goodan house are visiting days. Usually Mere and Liz come over in the a.m then our friend Vickie comes for coffee in the p.m. Today we had a visit from Mamma Jo which is always a kick in the pants! She ended up taking Autumn home for a couple hours, the joys of having family so close. Hopefully we have started a tradition of girls day (plus a boy). Snow this morning and it is beautiful. I was even out in it around 430. The long winter will just make for a sweeter summer!


Erin said...

So that's what we need to do to get Reegan to eat red meat . . . move back to Montana!

Looks like you had a lot of fun :)

Lala said...

Such fun pictures and so great to see you and Dana 'actively' participating in the egg hunt ;) The joys of young children at Easter.