Apr 22, 2011

Spring day (just one) and now a blizzard

Our handsome wonderful boy
 Well the power is out...again. The snow is blowing sideways and you can not tell that I shoveled and actually drove the car this a.m. I haven't "white knuckled" in a long time but this morning reminded me to keep my foot on the gas and just drive through it! Ha! Don't tell my husband that:) Dominic woke us up at 3a.m and we watched the storm for a bit, Dana and Dom were able to go back to bed but snow like this gets me motivated to move and go go go. I really had no where to go go go but I showered shoveled and explored Lewistown in a blizzard.

she reminds me of my Grandma Tommy here

Yesterday I took our kids to see Lala in GreatFalls. It has been a few weeks since they have seen my Mother and it was their first to see her  hair short. Autumn didn't miss a beat and gave her a big hug.  I loved to see my mother. I am so glad we live close but on days like today I wish I was closer just in case.
swishing dirt around or out
There is much to do before her house is finished but her spirits are high and our lunch was a lot of fun! Dominic was a bit restless and went from lap to lap to lap. Autumn brought us "treasures" that she found in boxes of Mother and Dads things. As the babes reached the perfect tired stage to load into the car and head home, Colleen and I started to gather treasures for me to take home. I also had recycle for Carol to unload. She has started an account at the recycle center that the proceeds will go to Mom to help out with building bills. She is an incredible friend and a 

outside Geyser, sat here and teared up for a minute
  wonderful person to have in your corner. This woman would walk through fire while eating jalapenos carrying an elephant for my Mother. She is also a great person to have around when you walk out to your vehicle and the doors are locked. I am choosing to blame this one on my Mother. I took her to the store with me and I think just maybe she locked it while she was getting out and forgot to tell me to grab my keys because this is Montana and doesn't everyone throw their keys into the center console. Well that is what happened and I choose to
My Mother and my Daughter
to blame mother since she has The Cancer and needs a good dish of blame to keep her humble;) Anyway, Carol called Tom who tried to unlock the Yukon with his handy kit but eventually Dana had to call Central Lock and Key. The doors were unlocked after 5 mins with his handy tools and 20 mins later the car unloaded and reloaded and Autumn walking in circles saying "outside? outside, outside outside outside". Who pushes repeat when kids get tired?
After a great visit that lasted a couple hours longer than planned (you could have just asked Mom you didn't have to lock me out) we were off and headed back home. It was only a sprinkle of rain, the kids asleep and Mumford and sons for tunes. I could feel the lump in my throat. Oh crap, not now, I can't see if I'm crying AND it's raining. I kept it together for a bit longer. I got to Geyser and could see a bigger storm rolling over the Little Belts (thanks to road signs I sound pretty knowledgeable) I pulled over,checked the kids and grabbed the camera and cried. I cried because I'm sad that my Mother is going through this. I'm sad that she has to be so strong for so many people. I'm sad because I'm selfish and so many people want to see her that I haven't been alone with her since she found out about the big C which I now refer to as the Heavy Weight. With my sad ugly cry I laughed. I laughed how life has turned out. It was a laugh of gratitude for my sobriety that I can and am here with my Mother. Gratitude that this nasty tumor has brought people together that would not normally reach out to one another. Gratitude that I am able to go to GreatFalls for the day and hug my Mother gentle so I don't hurt her.
Now, with a blizzard crashing down on us I am happy to be in my home with my babies and my husband and hopeful that I can get Dom down for a nap soon and suit up Autumn and drag her around the yard. If I wasn't so terrified of drivers i would hike up to Grammie Jo and watch the storm. For now I will watch my little birds puffed out under the patio and roll around with Autumn and watch Dana rolling his eyes and sighing about snow.
Happy Easter friends. Be safe.

1 comment:

Lala said...

Wellll, I may have the cancer trump card, but I do not think that it has affected my brain. I do not remember pressing the lock button on the high falooting car you are driving. Isn't it on the handle and not on the top by the window like the old clunkers that I drive ;) Anyway, keeps you humble when you have to call for help to get into your own car... So great to see you guys and I did get to see Autumn and Dom for a little longer while we waited for the lock guy. Not a big deal at all...let's not sweat the small stuff...God is good and He really had a plan to keep you here longer...so maybe you should blame HIM...if you dare...Love, Mom