pulling Autumn in a box with her crazy hair...best shot I could get! |
Daddy Dana and his son |
messy face from the x-ray drink |
Healing power of a great chiropractor and prayer!
For such a short month we are sure packing in a lot of changes! We took Dom in for his g.i xray which included a belly ultra sound. We were again amazed and impressed by the staff at Lewistown hospital. Dominic had to drink some type of mixture that would help them watch the progress to see if he had any kinks and at a glance we were told there was nothing there. Our nerves relaxed and we looked down at our precious boy with a white face and a monster x-ray machine above him and two nurses holding him down and sighed relief. He looked like he had lost a pie fight with white paste on his cheeks, forehead and chin. Dana looked over and gave me a high five and said "oh my God that is a relief". I felt the same but a little voice in my head said "then what the hell is wrong?!". I felt like debi downer because I really couldn't feel the excitement that Dana did. We bundled up our little man and went to pick up his sister at the Auto Mart where Papa Bob and Grammie Jo were waiting for updates. The following day I had my post op. and was told the same thing from Dominic's doctor. "There are no blockages, we will try this really big word I can't remember medicine that is a stronger gas relief". I sat through the exam, heard that all looks good for me (I have an incredible doctor and I healed up pretty quick) and we started to talk about Dom and the idea that Dana and I had to take Dominic to a chiropractor. I was told the names of the locals and who would adjust a newborn. Some resistance was there when Norsleins' name came up because the views of the two are very different. I was instantly sold when my doctor said something about him practicing outside the scope of his expertise. Oh goody! A weirdo naturopath? Someone that believes in the healing power of touch?! I am so there! We scheduled an apt. as soon as we could get in. I went in with doubt. I still have doubt. I'm afraid to get my hopes up because the last month has been so heart breaking. I could tell that Dominic was uncomfortable but nothing was visibly wrong. How do you tell a western doctor that you just "know" something is not right. It isn't life threatening, many parents have been through much worse but I just didn't know what to do to make him more comfortable, to stretch out, reach his hands up, look around with out a grimace. After the first visit (if you like details of the whole thing call me or email) we had a different little boy. He slept for hours after his adjustment and when he woke up his legs were stretched as far as they could go and his perfect little hands were reaching in the air. He is a talker always but it usually sounded like irritation. Now Dominic was cooing and ahhing and acting like most newborns, curious and content! He has had two treatments so far and our house is sleeping better and getting to know him. I am very very grateful for Norslein (hope I am spelling that right) and looking forward to the rest of Dom's visits! We have friends and family that have gone to him for other issues and have had great success. I wish we had done this sooner. I'm just glad that Dominic is finally able to eat and sleep and even spend some time in his sisters lap with out looking uncomfortable. Speaking of little miss Awesome Autumn, she is wonderful! She is saying "I love you" now and if any of you watch AFV she sounds like the talking husky dog. She holds up her hands (our family waves the sign for I love you) and her index and middle finger cross and the sweetest voice says "I waaaa eeewwweee". It is priceless and one of my favorite things in the world! She also walks up behind us "What you doing?" "Whats dis?" "um". She also continues to help with brother and sometimes we still find itsy bitsy diapers down the laundry shoot. She drags her little piano around or her drum saying "hep, hep, peez hep". I guess after watching me drag furniture around (thank you Lala for passing that down) she has the itch too. Nothing is safe in one spot for too long!
Our lives are calming down and I think we are getting more sleep. Autumn is getting plenty at least! She and Dana are sawing logs in the other room while Dominic sleeps behind me in his swing. It's amazing to have the mornings (some not all) back. It's also a blessing to see two rested babes in the morning, even if Dana and I have forgotten that look on ourselves;)
Happy Valentines Day early!
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