Feb 4, 2011

 Our little man Domi nic is finally growing! It has been a frustrating, sleepless, and for me scary month. At about 2 weeks we were told that Dom might have a milk protein allergy. He hadn't gained any weight the first week and the second he lost 7 of his very precious ounces. We started him on a soy formula and I pumped when I could, or wanted (owie! the boobs hurt something terrible this go around!) It seemed that he was keeping more of this fishy smelling goodness down. Yesterday at his one month checkup the rumors were true and he is up to 7lbs! We really honestly were so so spoiled with Autumn. She spit up once in a while but it was spit up. Dominic devours a bottle, looks at you with his gorgeous eyes and perfect lips and just when you think "I'm going in for a kiss!" BLEH! out comes a rush of formula. It comes from the mouth and the nose and sometimes our little man looks at us like we choked him. On the 7th he will go in for an x-ray to see if he has a kink or any other problems with his little insides that may be making the act of digesting an incredible feat.
I am hoping for a kink just so I know how to help him, even if it is "wait it out he will grow out of it" or " simple procedure see you tomorrow". It is so hard to hold him and not know how to fix him. I don't know how couples with colic babies do it. I have huge respect for them! Dominic is a night owl for sure. He sleeps most of the day away, usually after a good round of fish spit slinging, and then during the  wee hours of the morning, around 1a.m he is up and ready for entertainment. We have started to divide and conquer with the babes. One night Dana sleeps with Autumn and I take the man cub and the next night we switch. One of us thought this would help us to sleep every other night. Some nights it works and some nights Autumn is running the olympics or kickboxing in her dreams and we wake up or leave her bed worse for wear. On our drive home from Lala and Papas yesterday Dana said we will be tired for 5 years...then we will sleep again. Ha! At least I have an end date;)
We have had some great reprieve from the babes and have been able to spend two great days together, not in a row but they were great! We go to Greatfalls, walk into Green Acres and we hear "okay go. don't come back till we tell you. what are you doing today? okay bye." The first date day all we could think to do was drive fast and listen to loud music. We ended up shopping for the kids and talking about them the whole time we were gone! We have also been able to catch a movie and sleep with only one babe while Lala slept with Autumn. It helps alot!
Back in Lewistown Grammie Jo stops by and hangs out with Autumn (they play and play and play) and she tells me "go lay down". It worked out for a great nap and a happy tired Autumn for the rest of the day! We are learning. Everyday we are learning. Some days are hard. Oh for the love of God some days are so hard and I don't think I'm going to make it. But really what are the options? Give up? No way. When I think I'm doing this wrong, or I'm not cut out for this, someone that has been here before calls or stops by. We have great support and we have each other to look at and laugh and say it's going to be okay! It is a work in progress. I have a wonderful man that would do anything for us. We have incredible kids, and amazing family. I'm looking forward to the day that we can look back and really laugh at how scared we are. I never ever knew this would be so hard on our relationship but we are doing it and it's making us stronger. Somewhere I'm sure  someone wrote a book about all this. I haven't had the time to look for that book, instead I have real live people admitting the challenges of parenthood. That is the best help anyone could offer!
So here we go. Little Autumn is still such a helper and growing so fast! She is so smart and fun. Her newest thing is walking up to us, arms outreached, "hug? hug! HUG!" She also holds on the the back of our heads and pushes us together and says "ahhhhh". If she can't reach our head she pushes our legs together. We kiss then kiss her and laugh and laugh at our little cupid. Dominic had his first experience in the big bath and I think he was really enjoying it until I accidentally put his face in the water...oh my that was the end of the calm and time for us to get out. He is changing every day and I think we are too. It's truly amazing what these little people do to you. I will keep you all posted on Dominics x-ray. Keep us in your prayers please. Even if its just a little thought:) To a wonderful weekend...
Awcee or Auntie Carlie


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