Feb 22, 2011

If the boogs aren't freezing we're going outside!

pooped after breakfast with Cawlee

smiling in his dreams

trudging to the happy destiny

Miss Awesome

waiting in her chariot for her mule...me, with brother on my belly

Sweet Autumn is talking up a storm! Add to the list refrigerator which comes out rrahrearerator, and "no way". Just the two I can think of while I should be sleeping since the rest of the house is out. Yesterday was gorgeous here so I strapped Dominic to my belly, bundled up Autumn and pulled her around the yard. You can only do so many laps before you get over that scene so we took off into the great wide world of our neighborhood. I took her down the alley thinking that would have more snow, no traffic and wouldn't be too steep. The first time the sled ran into the back of my legs I started to question my brilliance but we pressed on. Once we got to the bottom of this very short very low pitch we pressed on to the park. As I passed the streets and had to look UP them I really questioned my brilliance. Thankfully there was a lesser of 3  evils and I got us home. It really wasn't that dramatic but after being so lazy for so long it was quite an adventure. Her cheeks were rosy and gloves snow packed but still she didn't not want to go in. We walked our yard lap another 4 or 5 times and I asked again "Do you want to go in Autumn?" "Yes Mommy!" She ate like a champ and chattered around for the next hour. She must have had a great time because this morning first thing she had her boots on (the wrong feet) and one glove, they went perfectly with the Dora (the devil) night gown and pink baseball hat on backwards.
Today we were surprised with a visit from Papa Bruce so Autumn spent the evening sneaking up on him to scare him laughing hysterically the whole time. We have some great pictures but that would entail me getting out of bed and quietly finding the camera and all that jazz so I shall leave you with anticipation.
Dominic is improving, he is still spitting up with the occasional Linda Blair projectile vomit, but he is stretched out and cooing which is so much better than he has been. Tomorrow we go for another visit to the chiropractor and just keep praying for the best. He has such a sweet spirit. I wish that I could help him to be more comfortable. The last visit the Doc told Dana "He's stressed. He can feel your stress and that stresses him out". Well no kidding doctor! We sorta chuckled at that. I told Dana "I will no longer worry about housework while you are away at work and we won't bother about the throw up". Much easier said than done. But, Monday was very very laid back, and today with a sick Dana home from work I don't think that Dominic has spent more than 10 mins not in someones arms. Oh the life of a babe. So, next plan of attack: Stop all stress, keep the house in zen always, never talk above a whisper, no music, no sad face, goodbye chores and paying the bills,no dancing or sudden movements, chant when you talk and float when you walk, no screaming as we run down the hall and for sure no more "1,2,3 GO GO GO! all stress shall have to wait for another day. HA! I'm kidding. But in all honesty I'm going to hold my babies longer and stroke their sweet perfect faces more. If it becomes smothering I will help them find a good shrink later to complain all about how we loved them just to dang much!:)

1 comment:

Erin said...

You crack me up and show what a wonderful mom you are all at the same time!