big sister welcoming Dominic home
Dominic Hartura Goodan joined us Monday Jan.3rd at 8:13 a.m! He weighed in at 6lbs 7 ounces (two ounces lighter than big sister) and is a whole 19 inches tall! I know what your thinking, "Wow they have big n tall babies!". What can we say? Being such a tall couple we were bound to have tall babies! Everything went right as rain. Planned C-sections are much more laid back then the unexpected ones. We had amazing nurses and a great doctor. I kept waiting for the chaos to start but it never did...yay! Autumn first met her brother the afternoon he was born. There are a couple nasty viruses going around so that was the only time she was able to come up. When she came in I couldn't believe how big she looked. It was so interesting that when I left Monday morning I had a beautiful baby girl, an 18 month petite, BABY. When I saw her next to Dominic she looked like a giant, she seemed so grown up. The cold shoulder she gave us was expected but still hard to take. She saw baby brother and instantly said "Baby? baby. baby." Then after petting him a bit, offered him an altoid and some ice. Going to have to watch this little one very close, she just wants to share! I think she is going to be a great helper and big sister. She warmed up to me again after I got out of the hospital and I could sit on the floor with her and hug her. I missed her so much for the short time I was away, and I wasn't really away, I was just up the road from our house. Even though Dom didn't come until the 3rd he was the first baby of the New Year in Lewistown. We had our picture taken for the local paper (Lewistown News Argus) and the radio station came to present us with a list of businesses that have gifts and they did a live interview with Dana. I was hilarious and a ton of fun! I have been joking since we found out we were moving home how great it would be to move to our hometown and then have the New Year Baby! It didn't seem likely since his due date was the 11th and there are tons of pregos here, but he was! It has been a very unreal week. I sit here typing with my 5 day old son sleeping soundly next to me and can hear his Daddy snoring in this sisters room right next to us. This is the exact life I never thought I would have. Happy New Year to you! I will update more later, however right now Dom is squirming with his O face (FEED ME!) and my chest size just doubled...owie!!!
Heading home |
3.5 days old, finding out Daddy is a great nap buddy!
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