Sep 21, 2012


Lala and Papa!

missing our baby Boy but ready to watch Blade and Angie tie the knot!

Blade and Raquel show Angie how we really dance in this family;)
Dom likes to do things his own way!

My sweets meet a very dear friend of mine. Wow we have both grown up so much!

Gorgeous Autumn

Throw me again Daddy!

Doms turn to fly!
In the blink of an eye everything changes. I forget that. Usually on a day to day basis. I read last week that we are not responsible for a persons reaction to our actions. However, we are responsible for our actions.
Everything was great yesterday. My life is great in case you can't tell by the pictures and the past posts. We have amazing days and we have trying days but in the end our life is truly wonderful. I had been on the phone with my mother and told her "Today we are going outside, I could feel myself getting a bit stressed about housework but you know what it will be there tomorrow." I also told her that I read "if we don't learn a lesson the first time around it will come back and get us again". Where was I in this conversation. Was I not listening to myself? Was I setting myself up to be tested? I guess.
The kids and I had a great visit with one of my very good friends. I have missed her and when she got here I was almost emotional about how much I had missed hanging out with her. She has a foot injury so our regular work outs together have been on hold. She stayed a couple hours and we were off to our day, a gorgeous day to hang out in the yard. Out of nowhere I felt exhausted. Crabby. Overwhelmed with the housework I had put off. I talked myself out of it that it was no big deal and kept on keeping on. Then the straw. A ring on the toilet. Seriously? All the to do's came crashing into my brain. I talked myself out of that one too and it was still going to be okay. I would throw in some sheets and laundry would be done and we could hang out doing nothing responsible for the day. Then another straw. A full shoot of dirty clothes. Enter psycho.
I'm sure that my parents and friends from the past can tell you I was not an uber tidy person growing up. I liked order with things, alphabetized Cd's, color coordinated closets, shoes untied when you take them off (thanks Dad), things like that. I wasn't weird about it right?  So, I started the clothes, walked upstairs and made a list of my to do's when all I wanted to do was veg. How can you seriously veg with two toddlers? You can't. Unless you're a dink and plop them in a room with endless t.v. I've pulled the dink card a couple times but not for a whole day. So we would press on. Dana came home and was ready to load the kids up and take them out so that I could have my own irrational time alone and do what I needed to do. It was a very mellow "I'm irritated". He knew I was serious but maybe not too serious since I was smiling about it. Isn't that the crazy sign?;) So I start to tell him what is going on. "I'm feeling irritated. I don't know why, it just started. I know I sound ridiculous"...etc. Then I said "Dana. Even the shampoo bottle is dirty. Come on! How can you take a shower to get clean when there is gunk on the shampoo bottle?!" Are you kidding me? Did that just come out of my mouth. Stick with it Summer he thinks your  nuts there is no making this better unless you laugh and blow it off. I didn't laugh. I just kept adding to the things that needed to be done. Wednesday these things didn't bother me. Wednesday I didn't care that the to do's were a mile long, they will be there another day. Yesterday I cared. Thankfully (I'm a huge believer it is the essential oils that we are all using) after talking it out with Dana and just getting out that I just didn't feel up to par and I felt overwhelmed the irritation dissipated. He and the kids went for a picnic and I vowed to do nothing but check a few emails. I power cleaned. I was sweating I was working so hard. I felt like I was nesting. Does this sound familiar to anyone? The fam came home, the house was clean and I was back to being me. How does a husband actually deal with that? How are they trained that the wife is going to go nuts every once in a while? Usually every 28 days? Does the Dad sit down and say "okay son, on the 28th day God created  Jekyl". Who knows.
Today everything is grand. And my house is clean;)
Dominic has sometype of bite on his butt. Who gets a bite on their butt? We put lavender and basil on it and it is healing nice. It doesn't seem to bother him too much today. Autumn is her loving self and after playing in her room while we waited for the boys to get up she decided "Today is not my Grammie day but I'm going there okay Mom?" It is so hard to say no to such a sweet girl. I think that she forgot if just for a moment once brother got up.
If you were to peek into our life in the morning, you would see a wonderful, huge, king sized bed in a cozy little room with great windows. If you were to look in this gigantic bed you would see too adults, not so tall, squeezed into the smallest ball possible on opposite sides of this bed separated by two very short people stretched out as far as their little frames can make them. You would see feet wedged into ribs, a knee in a groin, a finger in an ear and maybe an elbow in a throat. These appendages are not jamming into their own bodies. Oh no, they are slammed into the two not so tall adults trying for the love of God to get just a couple hours of fight less sleep. We wake up cracking our backs, rolling our necks, puffy eyed and comparing injuries. It's funny later. On the rare night that they both make it a full night in their own beds, I miss them. I have been guilty of just grabbing Autumn and bringing her to bed with me. I'm also very quick to say "Just bring him in here", when Dom cries in the night. I love sleeping, or trying to sleep, next to our sleeping babes.
So, as I am sitting outside with the chitlins writing this, I take breaks to kiss an owie, break up a brawl, play a game of tag and just now, witness Dominic put a shovel full of sand down Sisters pants. He said "Saw we" as he did it. I laughed out loud and Autumn joined me. She looked over and said "Mom! Now there is sand with my poop". It was an interesting clean up. She also just cleaned her Bink in the dog water. Our kids should have plenty of good gut bacteria...I hope.
Which leads me to my last thought of today. I think it was 2004 that I started out my journey to be a massage therapist. I was in need of a change (seriously) and due for a geographical "cure". I was on the phone with the student advisor going over what would best suit me for a "profession". I strictly remember saying "there is no way in hell I can be a nurse or anything like that. I can't stand other peoples crap, vomit or blood on me. Let's pick something easy". I was then promised to be a self-employed genius in less than two years and the world at my fingertips.  Point is this, or points, it took me over 4 years to finish a "less than two year" massage course, I'm not a self-employed  genius ( my two bosses might think I'm a genius but I still have bosses) and I still don't like poop, vomit or blood yet I clean at least one of those things daily.  There are times that I really want to gag, vomit or pass out but it is a strange thing when you tell yourself or your spouse "Don't make faces! Poop is a great thing!" Then you look at the most precious face and say, " Great job kiddo!!! That was some poop!" Gag, hold back the vomit, keep smiling, oh, and breathe through your mouth.


Lala said...

WONDERFUL! Rocky has something on her butt (she told me this morning)...evil snicker. LOVE the picture of the "mother/groom" dance! It was so much fun to 'bust a move' again;)
AND I beat Rocky on commenting!
Life is good :)
Love you always, MOM

Anonymous said...

This is not a race lala . . Anyway, I was out in the wilderness roughing it without internet so couldn't beat you. Loved your humorous writing Summer, was enjoying a good laugh to start my day. Ate like a wrestler on steroids this weekend - like I needed all that food to keep my body warm in case we ran out of now trying to make myself go to the gym. Yeah, that made me think of my "bite" on my ass too since you brought it up. Can't tell you anything in confidence!!