Jul 28, 2012

Playing Catch up

a little walk in the woods with the babes

my precious family
4th of July parade
Autumn wanted to ride the ponies AND the elephant!

I'm smiling but my hip is cramping and the ride just started!
friends over for the 4th

another day trip;)

Autumn and Dom get some Papa Bruce time:)

Fancy pants in her new suit from Grannie Auntie Raquel

Hey! Uh, which way to the playground?

"is that thunder Mom?"


The babes are sleeping and I absolutely should be doing the same thing or cleaning something but I am not. Some days I just take nap times as me times. We had a great week of Dana home after all the celebration and visitors for Autumns party. We came a conclusion that "we" are not ready for real camping with the kiddos near swift water. We had grandiose ideas of finding the perfect spot, setting up the ideal site, having no worries and care free days in the woods with the two most important people in our lives, catching gobs of fish, swimming in fresh mountain springs and lounging days away doing as we please.
Well, it did not quite go that way...at all. We did find a great spot thanks to some friends that shared the inside information. We left early so that we could set up right away and have no worries for the rest of the day. I am not usually the one accused of being too layed back. In fact if you go back several blogs I do believe I wrote about the time Dana called me "uptight". So, what could possibly be the problem of me watching the kids while Dana set up the tent? Later, after we packed it all in we discovered that my camping supivisory skills are not up to Danas standards.:) My thoughts are when you are in the woods, or even outside, I don't care if you don't have shoes on, even if we are set up in the middle of cow pies. I didn't mind two toddlers running here and there in opposite direction close to running water. (Yes, this water was deep in some areas). I was more worried about Dominic screaming and bothering neighbors that would be leaving the following morning. I guess I was also worried about a firepit location and if the clothes in the tent were still folded. You know things that don't really have a dang thing to do with camping or the outcome of its' greatness. So, needless to say Dana and I were on totally different pages. Finally, while I was trying to put a line on Autumns new fishing pole and listening to her say, "is it ready Mom? Now, Mom? Where are the fish Mom? can we go now Mom? Are you done yet, Mom? Now, Mom" and Dominic running with his reckless abandon through cow pies, rocks, stumps and stones, Dana grunting and sighing somewhere behind me trying to put up our 12 man tent alone (because a family of 4 really needs a tent that huge) I said "Okay! I'm about 5 mins. from throwing in the towel and saying let's go home." I wasn't really. I'm a perfect example of an emotional being and Dana is a perfect example of a literal (very literal) rational being. So, each of us plug along at our jobs. Dana gets the tent up, I get the line on or through or whatever you call it and put on the little fake fish so Autumn can practice casting (so cute by the by). Dom starts to show signs of major tired about to throw a fit and we know we have no fire wood so what a perfect time to run back and grab some so he can sleep in the cool car. Off he and Dana go.

The above is a couple weeks old. We have been short of time and then out a computer for a while. So, here we are back online and it's fair week! Lots of pictures to come as the Cody Goodans are in town!  Cheers!

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