May 21, 2012

Dom gets a haircut and Mom gets a reminder

this looks like it ended bad but it didn't;)

Dom fell asleep on me so I moved him to this position and grabbed the scissors

time out from his spa day to enjoy the sunshine...and climb a ladder

I'm quite proud of his new do

with all his whirlie woo's it helped hide any...miss cuts;)

big sister had a pony of bangs to keep them out of her eyes (notice her baby pic behind her)
Sweet Autumn is sound asleep next to me. I could have her in our bed forever and be okay with it. I sometimes wish Dominic had the habit too but he prefers to sleep alone. In fact when I have tried to have him sleep with us not only do we end up with throat chops and heels in the mouth but he doesn't sleep well. He is set in his ways and his way is the crib. Boo for Mom.
Some days I watch Dana leave and a wave of panic comes over me, "what am I going to do now?" "How do I organize my day", "what the hell am I going to do with two kids all by myself?!" Some days, when we stand at the door waving with big grins on our face and the sign of 'I love you' on our hands, it is exactly that kind of a day. We smile and laugh and kiss and the thought of panic never crosses my mind. Weird. Today was my Dominic day. Just me and the boy. No panic, no stress, no agenda. I think that is the key. No agenda. Go with the flow. No expectations. Or, in parent lingo "whatever the kids want to do we do". It really is a silly way to go about it. To let these little people run the day. However, what is the real harm in it?  I get them for their first 5 or 6 years. Then they will constantly being moving in steps away from me. Longer school hours, friends, activities, God forbid boyfriends and girlfriends, more school (fingers crossed) jobs, and finally their own families. Projecting. You bet I am! Today I had a moment that I looked and Dom and told him, "Slow down buddy, not too fast". I had meant for him to take it easy running in a circle but when I heard myself I thought 'I really mean this. Slow down. It's already been a year.' I squeezed on him, played with him, read a couple baby books with him, that usually end up crashing down on my ankle forcing me to watch my language, and finally breathed in his smell while he slept on my belly. I soaked in the moment. I gave him little hugs until I thought he might wake up. Then I got a brilliant idea. What a perfect time to cut his hair.
I have been trying to get his locks under control for a few days now. A snip here a snip there. Finally, Dana pretty much agreed we should just buzz it. I'm not a fan of the buzz cut so I thought I could try just one more time and if I couldn't do it through osmosis of a hair stylist Mother and tips from my own stylist that I would have to give in and let my Mother buzz the curls on Saturday.  I rolled him off my belly and onto his back trying to prop him just right so I could get the whole top of his head. I thought if I at least gave him a manageable mullet I could fix that later. It was magical. I took my time, I whirled every patch of hair I could pinch, I almost cut his hairs individually I was being so anal. I also held my breath so much I think I almost passed out a couple times. Now, to give you a time line of how this worked out....Dana came home for a minute with some REAL coffee (from the gas station, they have crack coffee) said hello and left. I had just started Gladiator maybe I was 15 or 20 mins into it. Remember I was going to sit and watch my boy breath while he napped and catch a movie on the dvr. So, I started cutting and combing, combing and cutting. I then had to pick him up and lay him on his belly so that I could get the back. Why not? He was still asleep and I didn't WANT to deal with a mullet if I didn't have to. I really don't like mullets. So he is on his belly and I cut this side, turn his head and cut this side, turn his head again and get this loose hair, turn it one more time and clean this side burn up. Pretty soon I was tearing up because the girl on Gladiator is telling Russell Crowe "Go to them". Get me? The movie was over and it's about two hours long. So, Dom had the spa treatment and wasn't even awake to enjoy it:) So far it looks like it is going to be okay. Just in case Lala will be here Monday and she can make magic out of really bad hair!
Our day continued that easy going. A snack here, a drink there, a trip outside to ride Coco the tire horse, a diaper change, a call to Daddy, a trip to see Papa, a thunderstorm, and wa la, sister and Daddy are home and our second half of the day (evening) begins.
I had a thought a while back that I don't have any hobbies. That I'm quite boring. Boo who wa me. You know those thoughts that everyone else is cooler than you? Then I thought today "I have a lot of hobbies! I golf, I write, I hike, I work out , I love to garden and I do it even if I am not yet that good at it, I walk, I ran once this year ;) , but my biggest hobby and the thing I do best and the thing I love and the thing I am meant to do for the rest of my life, is being a Mom. My babies are my everything.My family is my hobby. I can call it a hobby because it is what I dream of doing, what I talk about doing, what I can't wait to do, what exhaust me, exhilarates me, frustrates me, brings me to my knees, brings tears to my eyes and what gives me the biggest rewards at the end of every day. Today I spent the entire time working on my hobby. The best part...I get to do it again tomorrow. 
Happy Mothers Day to me. :)


Lala said...

Boo hoo and sniffle, sniffle, snort, snort...I just read your blog to dad. We are both in awe of how AWESOME our God is!!! Your life with Dana is our answer to many prayers that I wondered if God heard!!! You will be saying the same thing when your kids are grown and have babies of their own.
I'm glad that I won't have to do any touch ups on Dom since he barely acknowledges that 'I come in peace' when he sees me!
See you Saturday! Wonderful to read this today. Love you all, MOM

Anonymous said...

There was so much peace in your writing about your hobbies!! I envy the fact that you are able to be with your kids and see their changes, something I wasn't able to do..... You're also a great baker and a wonderful cook (baking goodies for your favorite aunt and sending it to 820 aurora drive, billings mt 59102-she doesn't like coconut though or raisins)!! love you guys