May 16, 2012

Golf days are back!

tee'n up

good follow through Littles!

helping Mom

Great Grandpa Dale caught us on the golf course

Happy Mothers Day to us!

A Goodan cluster on the course

your ball went that way
our youngest caddy takes the wheel

A mothers day moment with our oldest

tasting her bird feeder
a suprise visit from Papa and Lala!

track fan (it was freezing that day!)
Autumn and Daddy try to golf every Wednesday;)

Golf season has arrived! Mens' League every Tuesday night for Papa Bob and Dana, couples golf every other week (we've gone once and loved it), Dana and Autumn (and sometimes me) on Wednesday afternoons, and for Mothers day the B. Goodans and the D. Goodans took the course by storm. Yes, that means we took the kids with us. If you were anywhere on the course you could probably hear Dominic. Considering he is 16 months old and it was his first time doing anything like this, we all agree that he did great. Both the babes did. We played 9 holes as a family and then D and I took the kiddos home while Grammie and Papa played another (more peaceful) nine. Autumn has her own snoopy clubs, they are mini clubs and they are so cute!!! Dom will get to take the plastic set that Lala and Papa Mark bought Autumn when she was just a babe. I have entered a golf family and I am truly enjoying it! I guess I should be grateful that they aren't all a bunch of rock climbers or extreme cliff divers. That would take some serious consideration before strapping some hooks and ropes to my babies;)
We have had a great start to the summertime. Yard time is go nuts time and really no rules apply except "don't push your brother". That one is just a hard one to get I guess. For Dominic, oh Dominic, he has rules. However, since he is the youngest and doesn't speak much of our language and we do not speak his, rules don't quite apply. Let's see... there is "no biting", "no hitting", "no screaming", and "no headbutting or slapping". With Autumn we tried not to say "No", we chose other words like "be gentle, be nice, be sweet". We taught her more sign so she knew how to ask for milk, food, water, kiss, play etc. Poor Dom. I was just telling my Mother that as the second we assume he already knows all that stuff, or he will somehow pick it up from Autumn. It is a learning experience FOR SURE!!!
Dominic is doing great vocabulary wise. He has added "run", "heart", "one, two", "come on" "what are you doing", "sorry" (not that he knows what that means), and "all done". Some of those might be repeats of early posts but we are pretty proud of him. Autumn, always the silent listener has snatched Daddy Danas' phrase "let's move this crap". She also tells us we are her favorite Mom, or Dad. Good. Cuz we are all you've got sister!:) She can not stand it when Dominic poops, but seriously, does anyone get filled with joy when someone else poops?! Last night she cried she was so offended. Somedays I want to cry every time I look over and can see a red face grunt knowing that I'm going to have to wipe someones butt soon. Those days are tough.
On Danas' birthday, Grammie Jo and Autumn made a cake. It had little figurines on top that Autumn placed all by herself. They themed! Yes way! Anyway, the clubs were buried so far I think they were touching plate, but she did a great job. I took a bite of the sinfully delicious chocolate, heaven sent delight and looked and Autumn "this is the best cake I have ever had Autumn". She looked at me, pointed her finger like a toy gun, and cocked her thumb like her gun had fired. I took it as a "no kidding Mom I made it". She is quite the character and has a great side kick in Mister Dom. He has been a kissing fool lately. Sometimes his kisses are so passionate we crawl away with a fat lip or tooth mark on our forehead. Dominic is also a climber. If he can't get a foot hold he says "Hep me". Maybe he will be the extreme sports kid and I will be diving off of or out of something at 60.
Today Dana and Autumn headed up to the course while I had lunch with a friend. I told them I would hit balls until they were done and we would do the kid switcharoo so Dana could go back to work. (Benefit of a golf family, there are business meetings on the course;) ) So, I enjoyed a much appreciated hour with a friend of mine, then headed up to meet two of my three loves. I hit my bucket of bright yellow balls (not too bad either I might add). Then I waited. I knew that Great Grandpa Dale was in front of Dana and Autumn and so I watched for them all to head in. I watched Grandpa putt with his buddies and I smiled when he looked up and saw me and gave a big wave and smile. I feel accepted when things like that happen. I watched him get in his cart with his friends and behind him I saw Dana driving a cart with Autumns little buns (in her hair!) bouncing next to him. I watched the man I call my best friend stand next to the cart and put his hand out to our youngest. She must have decided not to get out because I didn't see her. I don't know if they saw me but I waved. I was having a "moment" as Dana and I call them. One of those moments that you can't believe your life is as cool as it is. They pulled up to the green and Dana pointed me out to Autumn who gave me a huge smile and started my way. Grandpa Dale waved as he drove on and I grab my sweets and gave her a squeeze. "I missed you Autumn". "I missed you too Mom". I kissed her neck and she laughed "you like me Mom". Not a question not a concern just a fact. "I love you Autumn."


Lala said...


Lala said...


Anonymous said...

I know about those MOMENTS! Absolutely love them....Hold them close to your heart, because when you see the head spin like the exorcist it makes it a little easier to remember that we do love them and it will get better. Oh sorry, too much of a downer?? Loved reading about your golfing experience. Rach