Feb 7, 2012

An incredible day.

first trip to a barber (same one that does Papa and Daddy Ds locks)

one pooped puppy
This morning was the perfect morning. The type of morning that when you are a little girl still hopeful of the white picket fence, manicured lawn, waving to the mailman as he whistles by, as you are dressed to the nines, wearing a smile that would shatter a camera and tucking books into brand new back packs, kissing the husband on the cheek, excited to iron work shirts in your stilettos. Well didn't everyone dream that way? Me either. I did used to have floating images of a busy mornings, music and dancing and laughing and then a sudden calm while everyone was doing their own thing and then I tended to their needs and mine while they all busied out the door. Smiling knowing that maybe just maybe I would one day have a family. It did not seem like that was ever going to happen for the longest time. Not to me, not to my friends and most definitely not to my parents. A lot has happened in the last few years.
Our morning today was my dream come true. I worked out with my friend Kristy, to the point I thought my deltoid would pop out of my arm slap me in the face and flop up the stairs to get away from the agony. We walked up the stairs to lights on, Dom chatting away while he helped with the swiffer (he's great at sweeping and so young), Autumn on the couch getting her boob tube fix while Daddy D readied her breakfast and the smell of wonderful liquid cure all, coffee. We verbally high five for how great we have been doing and off the day began. I'm usually the first in the shower as I usually need it the most and take the longest. I take about 20 mins to get ready and Dana 15. We don't mess around. So off I go to become a cleaner mother and as I'm about to paint my face I hear music which is not rare in this house. We all love music and it is not uncommon for us to drop everything and get funky when a good tune comes on. I kept at my routine so that D could take over and I hear a bang bang bang on the door. Who is it? High pitched as my whiskey tenor will go (my Dad used to say I had a whiskey tenor voice...I blame it on bartending). "It's me! It's me Autumn!" I open the door and am greeted with a panting hello "come dance now Mom". How do you say no to that. I tried to tell her I don't know how. "Watch me, I show you." Heels kicking, arms flapping, running around a bean bag she was off. I was right behind her. This wasn't new, it wasn't a first, but there was something about this morning when I finally sat down to watch Dom chase Dana while he squealed with laughter (Dom, not Dana)  and Autumn tore up the floor that made my heart warm and my face get the ugly upper lip twitch like I better go put my make up on or I might crack and drip a happy tear. I pulled myself together and gave a booty shake farewell and continued our morning. We all laughed right up to Dana walking out for work. I'm grateful that he works so that I can stay home and be with the babies these first precious years. We went to a play date today and Autumn ran around like she had a firecracker in her butt cheeks she was trying to put out. Dom gorilla walked from ball to ball until he saw a man and bee lined for him. We have never met this man but Dominic was on a mission to become best friends. I saw a couple of my girlfriends there and we shared watching each others babies while we would round up another, and some regulars that don't speak. It made for a great hour. Autumn didn't stop until I would jump in front of her and say "please have some water", I even had to take a layer off of her since she was sweating. After the date we went to the Auto Mart to see Papa and Daddy with hopes for Grammie. Autumn is so blunt. In walks Papa. "Papa! Hi Papa! Wheres Grammie?" Hey Autumn fake it would ya? So we loaded up Daddy had our favorite lunch until the kiddos were cross eyed they were so tired and headed home. Autumn made it 5 mins in her bed and was out. Brother 35 mins of just laying there. He had the look of don't hold me, don't touch me, just leave me alone for a bit. Then I sat and thought...the day isn't even over and it has been incredible. These are the days to keep close to my heart. When we all just go with the flow and nothing shakes our feathers. Today  was an incredible day.


Anonymous said...

Happy happy days huh? Enjoyed watching Autumn dance her cares away. I don't look that cute doing my Zumba!! You are very fortunate that you were able to stay home during these formative years of the your babies. I wish I had had that opportunity. The kids are lucky to have so many grandparents too living so close by. Just so you know, whenever Autumn has called me it warms me all the way to my toes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love that jacket with the tail... Rockie

Elizabeth Ann said...

Love!! Love that great feeling of having a great day....glad we got to see you at playgroup:)

Lala said...

LOVE those incredible days! Love you always, MOM