Jan 31, 2012

Dom goes to the e.r

caught with her hand in the fish bowl

morning after a fall into a wooden toy

oh mom it's not that big of a deal

Little bit getting so big.

The farting aside,lately, we have moved on to boogers. Boogers the size of dimes coming out of the cutest nose you have ever seen! "Mom! I have a boog ger" "Okay let me get a tissue" "Here!MOM!". The slimy treasure ends up on my pant leg, my arm, or in my hand if Dana isn't around and I can't offer the gift to him. We say all the time to wait until you have a tissue, however I do remember when she was smaller we would see a boog in her nose and just grab it. Sometimes it was a game. Roll the thing out with a q-tip and show it to the parent that missed the opportunity to go fishing in our daughters nose. That was when they were cute baby boogs. These are no longer cute. Maybe the approach with Dominic's booger retrieval will be different so we don't have a little boy handing us treasures.
In the Goodan family there are little sayings that have been passed down or caught on. Such as "full as a tick", "you got the geeks?" for hiccups, and "I don't care for none". It is almost a joke when you get up and refill your coffee or show up to the dealership with a selfish single munchie and Papa Bob says "I didn't care for none". A sweet jest that you have forgotten to ask if anyone else would care for some. It's quiet funny when it happens and for me I feel a bit rude when I am busted not offering, especially Papa Bob, a refill or a treat. The other night Autumn sat across from me in the kitchen I had asked her if she wanted something to eat. "I...I don't...I don't care for none Mom". We looked at each other and got the giggles, we had to share with Papa and let him know that it was improper English, jab jab. A good laugh all around. I shall try to bring back "full as a tick" as we usually only used it when they were babies and had just devoured a boob.
On bath night we sometimes plop them together or they get the spa treatment alone. One night it was only Autumn, I sat doing what I do, which is plucking my eyebrows, painting my nails, chatting with her and answering a thousand questions. Occasionally I am called to make a horse neigh or a cow moo. Usually she seems to just enjoy the time alone. This night she stood up with a bit of concern on her face. "You okay baby?" fart, ripple fart. (guess I had another fart story) "yes Mom, I ok" fart. "Do you have to poop?" "No. I don't want to poop, I want to take a bath" I explained it would be ok to get out and do the deed and get back in and so she did. I called out to Dana, "Please bring a phone and you when you get a moment". I needed the phone to document the log, and Dana to share the stench and dispose of it. I like to share. At the next sibling bath, Autumn again stood with a look of worry. Dana was on his knees with his face resting on the side of the tub and Dom inches away from Autumn. She farted four long, joyous rips, smiled and sat back down. Guess it doesn't feel right to keep your butt in the water when you fart.
Yesterday Dana started to do our taxes and let me know our medical visits were a bit much last year...a lot a bit much. I had an e.r visit and a baby, Autumn had an RSV e.r visit, Dominic had his guts x-rayed and Dana had kidney stones. We both said holy cow blah blah blah, let's not do that this year. Dana came home and we again started talking about how much visits to the e.r can be. I said "New Year resolution chill on the e.r eh?" Dana responded "yeah, let's stay out of there this year". Half an hour later. CRASH! SCREAM! Autumn slowing backing away from a down Dom. He had fallen, or been...escorted against a wooden toy that stands about a foot tall. He had a little gash that looked like it could use one or two stitches. I called Mamma Jo "are you home? could you come down and see if Dom needs a stitch". She was here in 5 mins. The gifts of small town and family in that small town. We three agreed it needed something and off we went to the e.r. He ended up only getting super glue, and yes the nurse told us it is the same super glue in your cupboards but more expensive. I think they did a much better job than either one of us would have done. So, we held down our screaming boy while two women worked on him. If you know Dom you know women are not his favorite...We were home within an hour, first trip to the e.r down and the wooden toy we bought for Autumn two years ago sits in the garage with Dana vowing it will not come back in until Dominic can tell his sister "HEY DON'T SHOVE ME!"


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, now Dom really won't like women!! It's funny how much these little people liven up our lives. Enjoyed reading, laughing, smiling, makes me feel like I'm there sharing all your experiences. Love you Auntie Rach

Lala said...

Truly I love reading your blogs about the babies but I am thankful to God that my baby days are over!!! I LOVE to see them all and watch and laugh and my heart bursts with pride but OMG am I grateful that I am the grandma. (one of them)I watch both you and Whitney run and play and run and work and run and etc. and WOW!
You are very blessed to have Grammy Jo and Papa Bob there (as Whit is to have us here) and I know that is what will make very happy kids...to have family involved. The babies are growing up so fast!
See you tommorrow! Love you, MOM