Sep 24, 2011

Look out! I'm mobile!

eat cher heart out!
Hold me Papa, it's windy!

I love how Mother is smiling at Dad.

These two love to smooch!
I love how much our kids love their grandparents.
Have I shared with you that Dana and I sign? We do. I think most parents do. In fact I think I could win money if I bet that 99.9% of parents know sign. Not the ASL or any other "real" sign language. We have taught Autumn the basics of that and are now on to Dominic for "more", "eat", "milk", the basics that make life a little easier. I am talking about the don't move or a bone might crack (like a toe) and don't breathe because you might have a whistle, and for sure don't even mouth your request since you might have a dry mouth and that's noisy, sign. Laying in bed the other night Autumn was dripping with sweat, she's always been a sweater. I had forgotten to open a window for the breeze and was terrified to make a sound after the day/s that had been going on. The boy was asleep, with out his sound machine, the fan was off, and the only sounds were the dogs breathing. I think Dana and I were holding our breath. (That's why we don't make sense all the time, we are usually light headed). Dana was standing near a window and did some random motions with his hand, I scrunch my nose and made a jester with my free hand that Autumn wasn't sealing to the bed. In that caveman act we got out, "Do you want this window open?" "No, not the little one the bigger one behind you, yep that one, thanks".
See, sign. We also have an S.O.S sign we do with our eyes. No response is ever needed, the other one just walks up and takes whichever child we read in the sign. Now we speak three (soon to be four) languages fluently, English (give or take the fluency), Autumnese, Parental sign. Dominese is in the works, so far we jump up and down, clap, tap, and click or clack our tongues with him. Maybe charades? We have even been known to grunt with him and at him so that he will hold still and aim his faucet straight instead of near our face or clean clothes. Any sign will do thanks:)


Lala said...

Way funny...It is good that you and Dana know each other so well that you don't have to guess what the other is trying to say...soon you will go on to reading each others minds, that comes quickly after you start to finish the other one's sentences :) Love you and Dana, MOM

Mel said...

I absolutely LOVE that first pic of Dom--that's a keeper!
I'd print it out on a big 16 x 20 and hang it on the wall. So disgustingly cute!!