May 3, 2011

Doing great playing with worms!

Holding Baby girl close
 Autumn is on the mend and doing it so fast our doctor was quite amazed at her follow up appointment yesterday! No fever since Thursday night and a small rash to remind us of  the Wednesday scare. She is still a bit pale and taking her time getting back to her healthy eating style but she is asking for favorites and drinking tons of water. So much water that we got the extra extra absorbent diaps so we can cut down on washing our sheets every time she sleeps with us. Which is every night! Dominic has shown no signs of getting RSV. With lots of prayer and an amazing Dr. Norslien our babes are ready for action.
Sunday we took a drive to find the rock shop in Grass Range. I have never driven the streets of this quaint little town and it was awesome. We found and antique store that I can't wait to explore. Instead of calling the number or knocking on the trailer next to the shed that held all the wonderful gems we decided to keep driving and come back another day for rocks. We ended up in Winnet. Holy Windy! This was another new experience as I have driven by this little town but never stopped to check it out. We had a sweet little family breakfast and Autumn chatted away to the owner/operators. It was an incredible day.
Yesterday  the afternoon zipped away with a visit from Vickie who held Meat while Autumn and I played in dirt. Oh yes, we call Dominic Meat. He is up to  15lbs. and his itsy bitsy teeny tiny legs have become miniature stumps! I was able to put some of our baby flowers in the dirt but since Autumn LOVES dirt and is on a mission to find worms I don't know that they will make it to adulthood. It took her a few days of checking them out and watching me hold them for her to actually pick up a worm. Yesterday she walked up to me with her hands in her coat pocket and said Mommy, worms help us (my explanation to her so she would like them) and she pulled one out of her pocket. Poor little guy was a bit smaller than he was intended to be as I think she pulled him apart trying to get dirt off him. She made sure I checked him out closely and then tossed him the new flower bed to "go to work".
We are still watching her close but truly got the all clear yesterday. With a lot of prayer and a very skilled chiropractor Autumn took a virus that "should last up to 3 weeks" and said "Nah, I have too much to do I think I will be done with this thing!" Yay Autumn!
We did miss Lala's big bash but thanks to facebook we saw pictures of friends and family helping her celebrate. Hopefully in a couple of weeks we can all make a trip to see her in her new pad. Next week will be chemo 3 and I am planning on that but I am sure the drive there will be a little tough just until I get back into the swing of things.
Much to do today, looks like a windy day so far but if I don't look at the weather maybe I can tell myself it is and was a great time to plant!  Heres to a great May!

"worms help us"

1 comment:

raquel said...

glad to see baby girl is doing great! Love you guys and see you later...