Apr 28, 2011

Autumn v.s RSV gets a trip to the e.r

Autumn in the e.r with Grammie,her arm is prepped for an i.v if she needs it

Daddy laying with Autumn

the day before Autumns seizure
Wednesday morning was typical. Well except for the part that we (my Aunt Raquel and I) were packed and loaded for our day trip to GreatFalls to sit with my mother during her second round of chemo. I guess the only thing really typical was I woke up. I had packed a lunch for Lala, asked Dana if I needed to get bottles for Dom ready for Vickie before I left gave him a tap on the foot said I love you and we are going. I remember looking at Autumn next to him, but I didn't touch her or kiss her or say I loved her. In less than 5 hours I was regretting it. The drive was uneventful, so good. Raquel probably would have liked me to go a few (maybe 20) miles slower but she didn't say anything. We listened to Firework entering GreatFalls and got a little misty eyed as I had told her I have chosen this as Mothers "fight song". A couple hours later I text Dana "shutting my phone off I only have two bars left, call Mom or Dad if you need me", "ombkay" was the response which must have been a fat finger moment. I dutifully left my mothers side to go to the store later and tried to call Dana to complain "why am I the one leaving her when I never get to see her". He didn't answer and I got over myself and enjoyed the short jaunt and even chatted with a cancer survivor that boosted my spirits. I sat with the family and Mothers phone rings the Black eyed Peas "Tonights gonna be a goodnight" (I would like to call them up and say you fat liar!) I heard Danas voice and figure he was calling me back. I wish he was only calling me back...
"Okay, Honey"...Oh shit. My stomach is on it's way out my butt. Something is wrong. I can tell by his voice. Who is it? Autumn! Dominic?! But he's been doing so good. Oh my God speak faster hurry up what the hell is wrong. All this is going through my mind. "Autumn had a seizure we are at the e.r."

I cover my mouth and lower my head hopeful I can stop the panic sobs that are on the edge of my tongue. I think I might pass out or throw up. I know where my keys are I don't need anything but to run out of this hospital and fly down the road. I could be there in an hour,  no maybe quicker! I have to go omg I have to go now! I look at my mother who is leaning forward in her chair with her port for the chemo sticking out of her shirt, she is concerned but she's calm. She's a freakin rock.My Daddy Mark is choked up but holding it together. Who are these people, how are they so calm?! Dana goes on. Autumn was at work with him and started to act unlike herself, quiet. Her hands were burning up, then she went blank. She didn't respond to Dana and she started to drool. Papa Bob said it looked like she wanted to throw up. Dana grabbed her up after calling Mamma Jo for a car seat and decided it was taking too long(5 mins or so) and drove Autumn to the hospital. It was a nightmare from then on as he was sent to admitting to fill out paper work. Finally they took Baby girl back and began to test everything, urine, blood, oxygen and an x-ray. When he called me he was waiting for results and would call me when they came. I have never seen a clock go so slow. Every fiber wanted to leave. I wouldn't have service for some of my drive, I would leave my mother,dad and sister in the dark and most likely drive like an idiot. I waited I waited for 37 mins and called Papa. "She's a trooper." It was three little words that took the entire world off my shoulders. I knew she was okay and in the best hands next to mine of course and that I could go home now. She had a febral (something like that) seizure brought on by her fever. She has RSV or toddler bronchitis. In an adult it is the common cold. For little ones it can be very dangerous. By the time I got back to Lewistown (a little quick for Auntie Rock) they were still in the e.r. I was standing at the door waiting to go in and heard my baby girl cry "MOMMY!". My heart ripped open and I swear I grew horns and fangs and if the woman had told me I couldn't go in it would have been very very bad. I saw Dana leaning over her and stood behind him as they tried to give her medicine so that she wouldn't see me and make it harder. The nurse let me try and I couldn't look at Dana I knew I would fall apart. The woman said "He has been so strong, so very strong". I picked up Autumn and held her and squeezed her and wanted to run out of there. She was okay they said. We would have a long road and tough nights but she would be okay. We walked out with a very rattled Autumn who still mustered up "bye guy" to the doctor. I hugged Mamma Jo when I saw her and the tears came flooding out. My sadness about my mother my fears of what if all came to the surface. She said "it's okay honey, you are in Montana and close to all your family we are here and you are here now". Oh thank you God that we are in Montana. Thank you for getting us here and knowing we need to be here.
We stood there touching kissing hugging Autumn and Papa said "Where's Dominic?" Ha! Thank you Papa for you're sweet spirit and perfect timing. We got a chuckle and headed home to relieve Vickie our precious friend who was watching him knowing we were at the hospital but not knowing the outcome. She later told us that men are usually asked to leave or leave themselves when little ones are in the hospital because they can not handle it. The mothers step into overdrive and the Dads wait outside. Dana shined yesterday. A fat lip or a bump on the head signals his gag reflex but when it really came down to it he was a pillar of strength for our baby girl, and for me. We had many moments of tears and gratitude.
Wednesday evening we got a call that Doctor Norslien had heard about our drama and could help. Within 15 mins of calling up there we were sitting in the waiting room. He treated Autumn for the RSV and even though it will not ever go away completely this bout will be shorter and less severe in the future. He was great with her. She even made it the whole 12 mins in the chair and did her cute little flirt act when his boys came in.
Tonight she is still running hot but she is on the mend. I don't think I have ever in my life been that afraid. I can't begin to imagine what my mother has been through or any mother with wild children. I now understand her crazy woman strut the first time she came to the Lewistown e.r for me so long ago.
One more thing. Last night as we all sat here describing our emotions during this whole ordeal Autumn asked for a bottle. I told her she could have a whole gallon if she wanted and I would even put chocolate in it! (She has never had chocolate) She said "No chocolate Mommy". We roared, if she only knew what she was saying no to. Sweet Baby Autumn. Now my family is sleeping sound and I have 4 hours until I have to wake her again. Time to rest up.

1 comment:

Lala said...

You did a great job of holding it together. It was perfect timing in the eyes of the Lord so that you and Dana could see that together you are a team and when one of you is gone...you are still a team. Scarey as heck but it all turned out so well and your relationships with all around grew to new heights! Amen do I hear another AMEN! Love you guys!