helping Daddy decorate |
our first mantle |
First date with snow |
Christmas Stroll 2010 |
Rash from a food allergy
I am working on slowing my mind down...working on it. Last night after our baby girl going through a mommy only stage (sad for Daddy Dana), and Dana was out like a light I recalled something from a few weeks ago. I was leaving GreatFalls after one of Autumn and my weekly trips (before the snow fell), I looked in the rear view mirror after waving to Mother and Dad and saw them holding hands and waving. I still get a lump in my throat thinking about it and the whole time I knew I only live a couple hours from them. It was a sweet moment that I won't ever forget. Last night after dinner with Papa Bob and Mamma Jo (at my new fave place Main Street Bistro) we all decided to brave the cold and partake a bit more in the Christmas Stroll. To our left Mamma Jo and Papa Bob were holding hands. After 41 years of marriage! It wasn't a "I'm gonna fall and your going with me" hold either. It was so subtle and smooth you knew that they probably didn't even notice. I listened to Dana breathing and thanked God for these great examples of love and devotion and ask for just a "little" bit of help being more giving to my wonderful husband. I want to be that example to our children. I want to be brave enough to show and tell Dana how much I love him and how blessed I am he found me.I want there to be a day when our kids are embarrassed we hold hands too much or flirt in public! Sniff snort!
So, here we are. Never a dull moment in the house of D. Goodans. We noticed a rash on Autumns legs and arms at the beginning of the week and after some online research assumed the bath had been too hot and we had tried to slow cook our child. We didn't think much of it. The next night a new looking rash appeared on Autumns thigh. We called the hospital and got some tips and with Dana knowing one of the local Pharmacists, nerves were calmed with hydrocortizone cream and some benedryl. Then on the third night of December my true love showed to me a rather large rash on her bum and creeping up her back. It was time to go to the doctor. After a quick peek and some playful probing the Doc told us that it was hives, a food allergy and that it was internal making its way out. WHAT!!! For 17.5 months we have been strict about Autumns diet. NO SUGAR, NO MEAT, FOLLOW THE NATRUALPATH WAY. Oh boo. We even have a list of do's and don'ts on our fridge that we have shared with the grandparents so that only foods she can digest are given to her on the time recommended. Wellllll, now what. Now, Baby Autumn gets a dose of Clariton or Clarisol or Clarsomething I wasn't listening I couldn't believe it I was disappointed to say the least, and we go back to basics. No berries, no wheat and absolutley no nuts. And of course AFTER we leave the doctors office I remember that we had introduced eggs to her. We were told that food allergies can take up to two weeks to show themselves. So, who really knows. What we do know is that we are happy she isn't used to junk food or fast food that we have to take away and that this was caught so early. After two weeks of watching her we will be able to ever so slowly start to reintroduce foods and see if we can catch the nasty punk that paled her Daddy and slowed his speech while trying to remain calm from fear of the worst. We did get a laugh through the whole thing that Dana was going to be the calm one and I would more than likely be the disciplinary. It isn't that way at all. I'm sort of tra la la it's no big deal (on the outside of course!) and I am very very slow to discipline beyond a firm word. I told Dana once "I don't think that was a spankable offense." He replied very calmly "I think after telling her two times it was." End of conversation. So, we are learning that the roles we picked out for ourselves are not the ones we were meant to play...it works perfect though. We compliment each other and we fill in where the other may be lacking...poor word to use but you get my drift.
So now we are in the swing of things again. Dana has the day off which means I sorta have the day off. I will paint and putz on unfinished projects and hopefully check off a few to do's on my list:) Until next time! Happy Holidays!
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