Baby Dominic is already showing how different he is than his big sister! His favorite times to exercise are 11p.m and 3a.m. This works out great for me because it is right about the time I need (or want) to eat something! He is much more active then Autumn was and he gives me gifts of heartburn that I didn't experience with Miss A. I only remember watching my belly roll towards the end with Autumn but with this little man it seems that everyday he is bouncing off the walls with a foot, elbow or knee poking against my belly making me look like I am auditioning for the next Alien movie. This pregnancy has gone so fast! Every night with Autumn we read books on what to expect, what was happening, how to get ready, what to eat what to think what to what to what to...this time around I think we have dusted off the books once or twice. It is by no means because we know everything but more because life is busy this time around and we try to keep everything about the same that we did the first time. Well except for the Cross Country move, losing our beloved Gemini, adjusting to below zero weather, and chasing a 17 mnth old! I am very excited and ready to meet our son!
Yesterday a tiny piece of loose wallpaper caught my eye...so began a small project of ripping it down and painting some wicker bathroom fixtures in hopes of sprucing up the basement crapper. My mother asked me if I was nesting...I hope its a slow nest since we still have a few weeks before we get the "all clear to go". Our hands are going to be full and its going to be wonderful!
Dana and I pulled out a notebook the other night and tried to figure out how many words Autumn speaks and signs. We had to reign ourselves in to the ones that are consistent and or we would have written down she speaks 4 languages and signs 2. Ha! So, what we came up with so far are 53 verbal obvious words and 10 signs. Some of Autumns signs you will not find in ASL book but we know what she means and it has been so helpful to minimize meltdowns when all she wants is a drink or more. We have also watched as our cute, safe gentle explorer has turned wild and runs and jumps OFF couches. At least she laughs through most of the landings and rarely comes up with more than a bump on her melon...which is 19.75 cm...putting Autumn way way above the bar! Her height and weight keep us humble as she is floating around the 25 and 30% of 100 babies. Littles is going to be rear facing for quite sometime with a very slimming weight of 23lbs. Okay by me. By 6p.m she weighs 50lbs and is 3ft tall. When asked where her brother is she usually pulls my shirt up but has also pulled hers up and said/sign baby. She is a riot!!!
We had planned on a road trip to South Dakota to see family that has not yet met Dana or Autumn but it just isn't the right time. With the temps as cold as they are I'm glad that we chose to stay home. We will make the trek in the spring when everyone can meet Dominic as well. So, we will have Thanksgiving up at the Bob Goodans. I shall attempt to make a cheesecake but if it doesn't work out I think I will have a handy dandy backup in my grasp.
There are so so many things that we are grateful for this year. Our life is amazing and even though we have bad days like everyone does, we know that this is the life we were meant to have and that it is only getting better! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family!!! We will be thinking of everyone on this cold snowy day and will send out some family pixs soon (especially to those of you not on facebook!)
Be safe stay warm!
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