Dec 30, 2010

Christmas survived...check!

a very pooped cousin Tanner

Auntie Tobin helping Autumn color

a kiss from Tanner

Grammie Jo, the hostess with the mostest

sweet baby girl was a bit overwhelmed

bubble time in the kitchen...the best place to observe

kissin brother

don't touch my drum Uncle Cody

Autumn soothing Tanner

Our Christmas celebrating started on the 23rd with family in from Oregon, Texas, Arizona, and Illinois. There was a lot of hurry up and wait as the rumor that cell phones don't work in Lewistown led to unknown arrivals. It all worked out with food on the table and anxious eyes peering out for the latest guests. Autumn did great with a house full of company and cousins she had not met yet and she got to know ones she had even better than before. Christmas Eve we headed up to the B. Goodans to eat more food and open gifts. Oh the food!!! It started to seem that we went to Mamma Jo's to nap. We would eat and go to the back to get Autumn down and an hour or two later emerge with bed head and growling stomachs. We all had some incredible gifts and great laughs. Little Addy Goodan from Oregon gets the trooper reward as she had a double ear infection and a sinus cold. Her only complaint was that she "wasn't feeling too good". Thankfully she got in to the doc before they flew home. Dana, Autumn and I drove to GreatFalls for our second Christmas on the 27th. It was a quick, quiet trip. Tuesday the rumor of a major storm coming threw us (almost literally) into action. Mom was coming home with us, she had planned on leaving Wed. or maybe even Friday on her own time with her own car. We piled gifts, essentials from "the city", baby A, a new baby seat for Dominic, a cooler of cow, Mom and good ol Bean into the car and hit the road. I like to take all the time I want to get ready for a few days or in moms case possible weeks trip, she had one and a half hours. The roads were clear and thoughts of Dad maybe just maybe being wrong started to surface. Then around 11:30 p.m that night(Tues) the snow started...its 9p.m on Thurs and the snow just calmed down. Way to go Dadio!  So here we sit waiting for Monday, Dominics scheduled C-section but ready for anything if he decides to come early. It's been a great time with my Mother here. It always is, a time of reflection and growing and TONS of laughter!
Tonight, Mom had dinner ready and I was fixing the salad. I had packed a big tote of Christmas for the basement that we needed Dana to carry down. Mom and Dana were at the baby gate facing the basement. I saw Autumn go by and seconds later heard Dana say "Autumn!". I freaked! I stopped breathing, I thought I heard something falling down the stairs! Tears were running down my face, I was in shock! My huge prego body somehow made it the 10 feet to the doorway yelling "Did she fall down the stairs?!" I was ready to kill! Autumn stood safe and sound at Lalas side and my husband and mother were looking at me like my head was spinning and maybe I was spitting fire. I was bawling, scooped up Autumn and just hugged her until I could breath. I scared her and she reached for Lala. We started to laugh at the situation and then I looked back at the counter...where was the cucumber I had just peeled? Where was the peeler? I laughed as I looked over to Bean, completely content with two paws around the cucumber. I must have thrown it as I ran to rescue my daughter flying down stairs...Oh what a night, what I night I nearly peed my really cute maternity pants. What a night I really really thank God that I am not the only one watching this ninja child. What a night to laugh and think of all the good times just around the corner!
Oh I'm laughing again but on the verge of tears. That was really a scary terrible feeling. I shall go eat now because that is what I do. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you have an amazing New Year! Be safe be well, be blessed!

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