Apr 11, 2012

Easter week

one of my longest friends finally meets my family

Autumn has a first...dying eggs!
Papa Mark and the kiddos wait for Daddy
Holding the line with his back up Lala to keep him from the stampede!

Papa M holding Autumn tight in a crowd awaiting the big egg hunt
Dom approves Grammies deviled eggs
sweet joy for the sweet boy with his Papa Bob
Argh! I'm so frustrated with Blogger I could spit! I have so many photos to share with those of you that don't have fb but it has literally taken sessions in the last 3 days to get what I have on here. I have decided to break down and watch the dang videos to learn more and see if it is human error (me) or Goggle (please please be Goggle).
We have been busy as usual with a visit to Great Falls last week. I have reconnected with a friend that knew me back in my Whitefish days and amazingly enough we reconnected without technology (other than the phones we used after he got my number). Steve ran into my Dad Bruce in a little town grocery, they have known each other for a while but took some time to recognize each other and wa la he gave me a call! We talked a few times, reminisced about the old days and planned to meet for lunch. This man has seen me at my worst and now that he has met my family he has witnessed me at my best, a mother and a wife.
I hope to keep our friendship close this time without such a long period of wondering where the other one could be.
So Easter week began. I say week because it started last Saturday at the town egg hunt while my parents were in town. Then, Thursday Dana and I packed eggs and prepared gifts for the Littles. Saturday we had a neighbor over with her little boy and had eggs all over the living room since the babes didn't have much of a chance at the big kids egg hunt. Sunday, Grammie and Papa watched the kids so that Dana and I could go to church and both sit through a whole sermon. It was very nice to just relax and thank God for the life I have been given. It really is amazing. Meeting up with Steve was also a reminder of how close I was to never having this if I had stayed put doing what I was doing. He and I both have a better life now.
So, Sunday after church we went to Grammies and ate too much food and celebrated a third Easter for the kids. They have more stuff on holidays than we know what to do with. It made the afternoon fly by. Their cousins in Oregon sent treats and treasures and the B. Goodan living room looked like a playground.
Yesterday was the final purchase for Easter things as we bought the little ones scooters but Autumn did not have a helmet so could not try it outside this weekend. Her brother is wearing a 5+ helmet and she an 8+. Big domes for their big brains! Which brings us to today.
Dominic had his 15 month check up. The doc said this is usually the hardest for the parents and little one since they are bigger and stronger with more will power and don't want to sit still. She also said it was the big day for shots. Then she realized we are THAT couple that do not vaccinate. She was the most respectful of it today, in the past she had pushed but today she said "Well, your kids (Autumn came with) both look great and what vocabulary!" Autumn was chatty cathy the whole time. Maybe a sign of what her nervous tick will be? She talked a mile a minute. Dominic pointed out a "puppy" a "star" and said "hi" to the doctor. He weighs 23lbs (still to small to face forward in his seat) is 21 point something tall (I don't have the card in front of me) and his dome is 19in. I measured mine while we waited for the exam and in case you are wondering mine is 21. Autumn wanted nothing to do with a tape wrapped around her head so I won't have her measurements until the next well baby visit. We walked out with a sticker for Autumn and an all clear for Dominic. We got the oohs and ahhs that every mother (I assume) loves when Autumn helped me push brothers stroller and pushed the 'door open' buttons. She is such a helper always!
Dom has added 'guitar' and 'animal' to his vocab and when he signs 'more' he claps like he's at a concert. The kids are loving or smart t.v (it goes online and we can listen to music or buy movies or whatever, I can't figure it out)and their favorite station "Laurie Berkner". So far the song that always gets them up and dancing is The Beatles Ob la dee, Autumns favorite is The Lion King In the Jungle. We usually spend some quality time dancing like loons when Daddy is home and working up a sweat before we have to calm it down for bed.
I had some girlfriends over last night and it was great. I have really good friends. It always amazes me how hard it is to get us all together though. We all have such busy lives and schedules...Life is moving right along. Dana has a couple days off this week and we were headed to Fairmont Hot Springs but it seems the weather is not going to cooperate so we will stay home instead of spending 4 days in a Hotel room with two toddlers.  Tra la la. The forest creatures are running around my feet...and eyeballing my chubby ankle for a bite;) Cheers pals! Let me know what you think of the new layout either on here or email me at mnogedu@yahoo.com

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