Mar 12, 2012

A mellow day trip...

this is how Dominic takes his oatmeal

the uh flashy pants in black...she's ours.

"I'm playing the pino Mom".

check me out

a visit with Raquel, the brown suga Auntie

trying to take a pic not looking like we are holding the squirming boy

Our house is wireless! Woohoo! Now no little gadget to worry about as I write in my fave place (bed) with my fave music (enya station on pandora). What an ordeal for mister Dana, but as always he is persistent and got exactly what he wanted. I make the joke of his persistence as some of you may not know or all of you know that Dana was my junior high sweetie and after 15 years of calling me off and on to see if I was around, alive, single, in the country, we met up, fell in love and you know us up to now.:)
Last Thursday we took a trip to Billings as a family so that Dana could pick up a car. It worked out perfect so that we could see Aunt Raquel ( my mothers sister) check in on her and offer her a meal. I love to feed people. What I need to learn is try the recipe on Dana then share. I was going for sauerkraut lasagna (something I had in Minnesota and love and have made successfully once) instead of reading the recipe on the right page I read the left which was regular lasagna and let's just say it was not anything what it was supposed to be. Ugh. Dana ate it and said "oo ah this is good". Liar. I ate it too and when Autumn said "I don't want this Mom", I didn't fight it and say two more bites. Anyway, we drove together singing and chatting all the way to Billings and picked up Raquel. After a quick time out of the car for the kids we chose a restaurant and headed off to lunch. Dom was as Dom is and let everyone in the place know when he was tired of being there and we just kept on eating. Raquel looked a wee bit embarrassed and Dana fixed that right up by saying something to the affect of "where we come from we throw sh!@ on the walls". At least we didn't do that and in case you are wondering that has never happened. We ate to our hearts desire and when the kiddos eyes began to roll into the back of their heads we decided it might be time to go. Off to drop off our lunch date, pick up a car and get outta dodge. I told Dana I would not need directions from the auction. After all how hard can it be to get out of Billings Montana. I was lost at the first turn I took over the freeway. Tra la la, I'm not going to call Dana and I sure as hell am not going to turn around. After all my mother lived here forever I will get her esp ish style and figure it out myself. Well that didn't work so I pulled out the handy dandy phone to call the number she must answer. She didn't. Well, lookie here I have the garmin, no need to panic no need to turn around and DO NOT call Dana and admit defeat. I plug it in and drive the limit noticing the housing is changing and the neighborhood is not that of one I'm going to get out leave my kids in the car and ask someone direction. After all, this is Billings Montana. So the garmin can't find a satellite and I'm just driving, have to end up somewhere. I look to my right and there is the women's state prison, at least there are a lot of cops around;) I finally find an out with a truck route sign and somehow end up on Main. Ah, no need to call Dana after all, see. So we meet up and off we go on our cute little carpool. We make a pit stop half way home and realize we are slow cooking Dominic, even with the a.c on his pigs are melting and his cheeks are rosy. Make some adjustments and away we go. About 45 miles from home Dom starts to cry, must press on we are almost there little buddy. It isn't the worst I have heard but it isn't random cries either. We get stuck behind a truck with about 15 miles to go and the thing is going 35 miles an hour. Isn't that the case when you have a screaming baby? Dana, in front of me gets the chance to pass and off he goes in la la I'm almost home land. Then I hear the sounds we all hate to hear, someone throwing up then no sound at all. I can't pass this truck and if I do I have to pull over anyway. I find the first place pull off and screech the car to a halt in mud, swing open Doms door and have him upside down pounding on his back before either of us know what is happening.I have to figure out something I can't put him in his soaked seat and I can't carry him so I did it. I put a one year old in the front and off we went. Autumn says "I'm so sick I need to ride in the front. "Not now Autumn, Mommie has to drive and get us home". I was sweating, I was sorta laughing sorta crying, every bad situation is going through my mind but I'm laughing that this kind of stuff is normal for the D. Goods. So off we go and off we made it. I finally got a hold of Dana and said "get your camera ready because he looks pretty cute in the front". I should have added "and it's never going to happen again". We may have to start packing the extra car seat we have for these two pukers. Jeez.


Anonymous said...

Well I appreciated the lasagna, Vern had two helpings so it must have tasted ok to him, and since I didn't know how it was supposed to taste in the first place, it was just crunchy and a little sour. (I just had to add some salt though) Thank you very much..It was so much fun seeing the kids cause they grow so fast - it's better than just the pictures. I saw them in "action mode". With the weather finally getting better I will be able to travel to see you guys as I drive through to see the diva sister. The tile that I made for her should be finished being fired soon. I always enjoy seeing your pictures. I almost forgot, I also enjoyed seeing Mr. Dana!! Love your man!!

Lala said...

HOW IN THE HECK DOES RACH beat me every time to leave a comment!!!!???
I know! She has no life!!! There I feel better now too. Love the blog and Aunty Granny looks pretty good for an old fart. You paint quite a funny mental picture of your harrowing ordeal with your little puker. I bet he did look very cute strapped as good as possible in the front seat. I love you guys, MOM

Elizabeth Ann said...

I love your stories, they remind me that us moms are so much the same...haha-poor Dom first of all, but I can't help but like the puking story. On our way back from Iowa when Coop was about 3, we were in the middle of nowhere, he gets carsick-pukes everywhere. Needless to say, he rode for the rest of the day in a regular seatbelt as I wasn't about to put him back in his pukey carseat. You do what you gotta do! This entire post rang true with me! Did I tell you about pulling over in Billings on Montana Ave to ask for directions?? My husband almost killed me! But the man with no teeth and bottle of liquor was very kind and got me where I needed to go;)