Jun 3, 2011

Pictures never tell the whole story...

a break from the rain and brother;)

what are you thinking about?

I believe in my heart of hearts that being a stay at home mother is one of the hardest jobs in the world. The most rewarding but by far up there with rocket science (wait is rocket science really that difficult?). I also believe that being a husband to a stay at home mother is just as hard...if not harder. Some days, like today are just on. Everything falls into place. One toddler down for a nap, time to spend with the boy and he's happy enough to pop in the jumper while I organize vitamins...who takes this many pills? Boy not so happy sit in the rocker give him his bottle and he's out in two minutes. Put the boy in the chair, pick up a hat left on the floor with my foot, catch it with a free hand pop it on a hook, put trash in other hand where it goes, grab a hair tie, clippers, and bath toy and head to the bathroom, drain the water soaking the diaper moisturizer thingy, change the hand towel put said items in their place and hey might as well pee (or potty, terminology just for David) while I'm in here, wipe down the counter, wash my hands, pick up a random crayon, peek in on Autumn sleeping, grab an armful of clothes and head to the basement. BAM! ON! How do days not go like this everyday? Enter yesterday. Make-up almost on and a body needs me, no biggie who needs make-up I have a big rude sign on the door no one is coming over. Walk toward the crier, oops wrong one, next room, OWIE!!! Toe on a piano! Who put that stupid thing there anyway?! Oh yeah it was you! Where did all these dishes come from? Did I even cook the night before? On to the crier, what do you need? Who do you want? Not me? Tough I'm the one and only, kisses to Daddy, wave wave bye! (OMG! Take me with you! I don't know what I'm doing!) Okay now what do we do? Oh your diaper is dirty? Oofta, yes it is and that grunting in the background is brother working on soiling his...Where's this where's that? How did this dust get here? What is that smell? How can you be sick? How can it only be ten a.m?! Help! S.O.S! Uncle! Mercy! Quick call Daddy, he's a fixer he can fix it. Fix what? Nothing was wrong with the house yesterday or my rhythm (yes I say robin hood yells to his men to spell that), and the crying or needing me was wanted. Yesterday I just couldn't get it together. A DRIVE! A DRIVE fixes everything. It was wonderful and perfect...for 10 mins. Autumn let me know "Brother crying Mom". Yes dear I know I can hear him too. "Mom? water? MOM! JUICE?! MOM! PLANE!TRUCK!MOM! MOM!"  It's much easier to accommodate them on their own turf so we headed home to some much needed sunshine. Brother fell asleep the moment he was out of the car and on the table and Sister played and laughed with her yard toys. THEN!!! Black clouds, wind, rain and pieces of tree the size of Alaska falling all around. Not really, just pine needles. Time to go inside. Autumn sometimes gets upset and we have taught her "Breathe Autumn, in through your nose and out the mouth, breathe". She's great at it. I got them inside and now Dom is crying, Bean is underfoot and Autumn won't put down the used to be tomato baby seeds. Chaos at the door. We got our coats off and while I am taking her boots off Autumn touches my head with her perfect hands and her perfect voice says "Breathe Mommy." Almost lost the waterfall there. "Yes Autumn, Mommy is breathing." My first angel of the day. My second came home and sat with me and just let me blubber blabber. After all that I looked back and it really wasn't the end of the world. I just had to breathe. I just needed my best friend to come home and tell me "You're doing a great job". I think he said it flinching a bit as I may have had the crazy eye from dragging babes in through the gusts and maybe some foam at the mouth too. God is good though as He's been gracious to me today and well everything is just on. Holy holy thank you. I don't think I would have fared well with two yesterdays in a row;)


Anonymous said...

p.s Autumn woke from her nap "I need to hold you Mommy, I need a puppy Mommy"...hmmm is Bean ready for a puppy? OMG! Am I ready for puppy...refer to blog Summer Dummer

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that Autumn told you to breathe that got me pretty good as I am at work.

Lala said...

I am so thankful I only had 1 baby at a time! It sounds like a lot of hard work! You and Dana are doing a great job and I know you will look back on this and say to one another (in a few years of course) WOW! That was hard...but we did it! Your babies are absolutely beautiful and wonderful. Love, MOM

Angela Padilla said...

You are an AMAZING Mama! I am so thankful that I have you in my life to help me through tough situations with being a Mom. Especially since I will be headed towards the chaos in just a few short months! You are doing great and I look up to you =) Love Always, AP

raquel said...

You're doing a great job..I love that picture with her hat and her putting flower in cup!! Love looking at your pictures..

Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babes so often comes such sage advice. You are doing a great job and yes it is a very hard job being a stay at home Mom but a very rewarding one and so great for your children. They are only this age once. Be grateful Dominic wasn't twins, right? Love your pictures..