Jun 19, 2011

Pics of our last week, todays are first and crops are bad but oh well:)

a fishing pole and some fish for Autumn

"Look at choo bigger boy!"

First bike lesson

Goodan Boys

making waves

"HEY! Bring that bike over here!"

"I'm going to eat this ball"

True buds

swing time with Grammie (pull your coat down Autumn E)

"Autumn thats hot!" "Huh?" (her new fave response to EVERYTHING)

Kissing the bear because he "bunka head"

Helping with her catch

"um, no thank you?"

"oooo! I like it!"

Intermission from Toy Story for some dessert!
"Let ME hold the baby!"

wearing a tu tu from God Mother Marisa

My Griz fan, Danas Bobcat fan...he looks better in Griz gear.

Our mocha and our skim lattes.

"Hey Brother"

Bean and her boy

Kathy and Dom

Dad used to comb my hair too, this was a very sweet moment to catch

Lala "holding court"

Massage for Lala...I am Autumns helper

My rock driving us to Seattle to see Papa Bruce after a collapsed lung

I like this picture

My heart walking outside my body

A smiling Dom in our hotel

I came home to these cuties after a long day at the hospital

Dana took the babies to Seahurst, a beach I used to go to in highschool

first barefoot experience at Alki

I love that she's a treasure hunter

Dommie with his favorite man

A break from the hospital we walked around the city and found this gem

a tired boy

Autumn had just thrown up all over herself...it smelled and looked like potato soup...with bacon.

Dana recovering from my description and the clean up

meeting Lala and Papa Mark in GF on our last leg home

Home sweet home

Breakfast for Dom

my look for Dana after his late night celebrating, the hat is covering my horns


Cindy Rutherford said...

Summer, i love your pics and especially love the comments...hahahaha

Lala said...

Great Pictures! Love you guys! MOM