May 25, 2011

A play night

Autumn and her buddy Meredyth

"I don't think you're sposed to feed her Autumn!"

playing duck duck SCRAMBLE!

"run run as fast as you can!"

Autumn wanted her boots on since Mere was getting ready to go

Meredyth, Rafe and Autumn

Meredyth,Cooper and Autumn
The rain has only let up for short periods of time. We have water in our basement but since the carpet is up in the two "bad" rooms it isn't as bad as the first time. Lewistown is a mess. I have been safe at home for most of the chaos but we took a family outing to Big Spring Market for yummie organics and then Albertsons for diapers and such. I could not believe the scene of town. Usual little streams have become rivers and are flooding peoples homes. One street looks like a nightmarish street fair with people everywhere throwing bags and wading through water. Across the street from the dealership and where my Dad Mark used to work (which is now Big Spring Water) the creek is on the lawn and the water is brown and angry. A handful of businesses downtown have put sandbags in front of their doors just in case.
Our friends the Bruchez have a sister that lives right in the mess of the flood. Liz dropped their three kids here so that she could go try to help. It was a great evening but in the back of our minds we kept thinking how blessed we are to be the sitters and not looking for sitters so we can move our things to higher ground.
The boys went instantly to the basement to play kinect and xbox or whatever (is that one word?) but when they heard the fun we were having up here quickly came up and joined our game of duck duck scramble. It is nearly impossible to teach two  year olds the art of duck duck goose. So, they would tap our heads so lightly saying then Cooper (the oldest Bruchez) or I would say SCRAMBLE!!! and off we would all go like lunatics. We sang "rain rain go away" "it's raining it's pouring", Dana taught us the chicken dance, and we colored. Hopefully our friends had tired kiddos so they could get some sleep.
Pray for our little town. Many people are going through a terrible time and we feel very helpless. More rain is in the forecast and the dam outside of town is full and spilling over. I don't know details as I said before I've been home for most of this but if you are interested there is a page on facebook (Lewistown Flooding News and Updates) and the local paper (News Argus) may have some updates.
Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend!


raquel said...

Thinking about the Goodans as I sit out the rains in Billings. .There's some flooding downtown too which usually doesn't happen except when there was a sudden rain storm. I pace and check the roof in the laundry/hot tub room and wonder "Where is all that water going?" Love looking at your pictures..take care

Lala said...

Lots of water here too but not nearly like you there in L-town. Praying for all of the people that are desperately trying to save their possessions. I agree with you and Dana, we are so blessed. Wonderful that you and D have made yourselves available to help others that are helping others :) Everybody doing a little something makes a lot of work seem smaller. Love you, MOM