Nov 21, 2014

Now Stop.

Our first picture of Piprah after we met her when she was two weeks old.

Piprah adores Autumn, always has.

She is an amazing companion

Autumn and our family photo sesh winter 2013

Most days these two love each other, a lot.

It took some time but once she lost her baby teeth Dom started to warm up to her

Our precious babes growing too fast

Dom is all boy, all heart and all wonderful

older pic but he finally picked up dirt last summer

I hope this toy is still around when he gets his Senior pictures I want to compare them

Dana, Autumn and I were in the local Cantata at our church last winter, Dana was Paul, or Peter or John, Autumn was a child needing healing. It was powerful it was wonderful. We love our Celebration Family. 

Autumn played soccer this year, they were short refs one day so Dana was nominated, he did great!

Our "part time job" but full time life. We still share DoTerra and teach people how to use essential oils. It has become a lifestyle and we love it. It's like any people business, it goes up, it goes down but we can't stop sharing because we believe in them all the time.
Our kids keep us on the go. Like all the time. From the second they wake up to the moment their eyes close for the night if their mouths are not moving their bodies are and usually it is both at the same time.
Dominic walks down the hall every morning around 6a.m. I am usually sitting in the dark checking emails, answering oil questions on Facebook or simply checking out mentally scrolling through people's lives on there. Some mornings I will be sad that in order to check on a friend I have to check their facebook, that I can not or will not just pick up the phone and call and say hello. I sometimes think "I'm just going to stop over", then I realize how that would quite certainly bother me especially if I was in the middle of doing nothing in sweats with a dirty house. Who wants to get caught in the act of nothing. Recently a friend came over and I was reading the Bible. Yeah, me. Don't roll your eyes, I don't do it all the time, like I should, and I don't write that to say "look what I do in all my spare time". I was as shocked as you that I chose to sit still for a minute and actually read something that wasn't in a study I am doing, recommended by my Mother, a friend or our Pastor. I just felt like it. It felt nice but to be honest I did feel a little sheepish that I was "caught" reading the Bible.
Our lives have drastically changed in the last year. For the awesome.
Someone invited me to an event (over Facebook) and I said I would go. When the time came I didn't want to but I had clicked that dang "Join" button and sent a message I would see her there. Something in my heart changed and something in Dana's heart change (I made him through slight convincing he had to go because I couldn't do all the work for his salvation). Our entire experiences would be too long and I would lose your interest. In a nutshell we rededicated our lives to Christ and we dove head first into our church, Celebration Community Fellowship. We went through an experience before all this that we tried to handle on our own with our own experience and some input from friends and family. It was so hard. It was hard on us, our kids and life in general. We lost friends and in the long run looked at each other like what did we miss. Where did we go wrong and what the hell is the point. Yes, I said hell.
So, where better to find the answers than a Church that follows the Bible in it's entirety. I have known Curt and Noreen since I was a kid. I really couldn't see myself anywhere except under their wing. We dabbled at first. Show up late enough to miss Praise and Worship, for sure miss the greeting of everyone. We usually didn't take Dom and only took Autumn once in a while. Then we started going on time. Then my crazy Mother mentioned sit in the front, get rid of distractions. It's amazing how much more you hear, see and feel when you pay attention. Then a woman said to bring Dominic, "he will get used to it", she is the same woman that said over my shoulder "it is good to see you in the front". My face got red and I wanted to come back with something because she must be making fun of me because because because! I turned around and she had a genuine smile. I looked for that smile every Sunday and today she is a dear friend.
Our kiddos love it there. Last winter we went  every night for a week for some special speakers. When it was over our babies were sad. It is quite amazing to now sit with my husband and chat about our "God moments" of the day and the blessings He has given us with wonderful friends, a stronger marriage and relationships that are meaningful and lasting.
We have a long way to go but it is a great trip.
As the pictures show our babes have not received the message to slow down on growing. I wish they would. Our little Autumn is loving kindergarten and her teacher. She has an incredible teacher. I was so nervous that we would never have another teacher like Miss Amy, her pre-school teacher. Now I am hoping that Miss Sullivan decides to follow Autumn until she graduates college. We have been very spoiled with great women for Autumn's first school experiences.
Autumn played soccer and still tried to make it to dance but sometimes we were all just too tired. She is excited to be back at it but sad that this year their will not be a Christmas show. I hope our little town misses the talent over the Holidays. Miss Janet puts her heart and soul into those productions.
Dominic has come even more out of his shell. We credit the oils for some of that and pray, lots and lots of prayer. He has an incredible personality. When he smiles his eyes twinkle and his chin goes down to his chest so all you can see are these amazing bluish greenish eyes that are shouting "I'm ready for you!". He tests me every day. He tests my playing skills, he tests my speed and he always tests my judgment. "why should I wear a coat? why should I wear pants? why eat anything but bread and honey? WHY!" We did the whole love and logic in parenting or whatever. Then we came to the conclusion that some choices are fine but all in all it goes back to old school parenting. I am the parent and you are the three year old, that's why. Not that we say that to him but there is a fine line of choices and caving. He has been all over Lewistown in a diaper and slippers and he has also gone out in freezing weather without a jacket. Been there done that. The best is when I get parenting advice on social media from people that don't have pets let alone kids. Go ahead and keep those thoughts in your own little pile of "when I have kids I will be awesome". Dominic is going to be 4 in January. He loves ninja turtles, shadow fighting, robot fighting, super heroes, neon dancers and watching his Dad play the drums. He also love to box, to jump kick, donkey kick, fly off the couch and throw snowballs (yes, the boy that wouldn't go outside last winter loves snowballs). He wants to go to school with his sister, he wants to fly a plane and he loves to give us "the best kind of love", which is a great big bear hug from a 30lb boy. He also asks to be in the middle of us while we squeeze him tight.
Autumn loves hot lunch, her teacher, her shoes that tie (she does not tie yet), math or anything with numbers, reading (she can't wait to be at a level 3), her cousins (she misses them all), making her own songs then writing them, doing "homework", playing "wolves" with her friends at school, free choice (in school), choosing her own outfits, her short hair (that she has no decided to grow long) and her brother. She is an amazing sister. They can throw down. We even have a fight shirt we stick them both in. Chill out, we have only used it three times. When it comes down to it they adore each other and they always look for the other one when one of them is away.
Autumn is the reason I finally got back on here. She came home early from school with a nagging cough. Dana thinks it is from her past sickness and all the garbage she swallowed when sick. I am hoping it doesn't turn into croup. We put up a tent, pulled out the oils and the humidifier and for the day watched movies and read books. I have introduced them to Ronald Dahl and I am so happy they love him like I do. Anyway, we weren't getting the steam I thought she needed so we set up a bed in the bathroom and she fell asleep while the shower ran out of hot water. I am losing weight sitting in here and the computer is sliding around the counter. I started to do the norm, facebook. Then I thought I would go down memory lane while Autumn slept on our bathroom floor.
This is where I ended up.
Our son and our daughter influence when we go and when we are just still. Precious Autumn, now steamed through and through and eating fruit. Our babies that test the boundaries but also look to us on how to be, how to grow how to love. Wonderful Dominic that teaches me daily to stick to my guns and he will stick to his. He is going to be a strong leader someday.
My still time has ended.
Happy Friday friends and family.

Dec 9, 2013

Back and ready to share!

3d ultra sound of Autumn

Always cute in blue (her favorite color now that she can tell us)

Her Daddy has always been her hero
Kisses from Littles with BLUE lips!

her favorite place to be when she was a baby, Daddy's arms

She is an amazing sister to her amazing brother

my littlest man that I adore

our blue eyed babe

these moments I want to bottle up and save forever!

Family Vacation to Deadwood South Dakota

Goodan vacation to Lake Wallowa Oregon

Goodan cousins

one month old
Four. Knows it, states it (all the time) and owns it!

An amazing day with the Meis/Graef/Goodan family, sister taking the photo

My friends who have been through so much with me have become "our friends".

can you guess where we are?

This is almost my favorite picture of all time for many reasons

Always a Daddy's girl
Dominic almost 3, Autumn 4 this summer and knows it all!

Today is Oct. 1st 2013.
Autumn has been going to Preschool for one month and I have decided to ask her perspective of things. So this is a bit of an interview with Littles. I will ask her question and will try to type exactly as she speaks so that you can try to imagine her telling her side of life:) Enjoy!
Autumn, thank you for spending time with me today. "You're Welcome, Mom, do you know I love you? Hey, look that earth has an arrow in it. Mom, did you know that smurfs have boobs?" they really do, check out the next smurf figurine you see. You can usually find one in the random play areas around the country in coffee shops, dentist offices and chiropractors. Here we go.
1. Autumn, how old are you?
"I'm 4, 4.
2. How do you like school?
"I love it very much, I like the toys there. And uh, William and uh, Quinn like um, the toy trucks. William and um Quinn LIKE the toy trucks. Quinn starts with a Q. Quaa! William starts with a W.
3. Who is your teacher?
Miss Amy. Cuz Miss Bacon went away because she is done being our teacher because Miss Amy came back to our school because she was done with her Mother in law.
(Autumn's class had their first substitute last week, I don't know that Miss Amy spent time with her Mother in law but on that day we heard that the teacher's name was Miss Bacon, "she loves pork bacon".
4. Autumn did you go on a trip with your family this summer?
"yes, like with my Mom, brother and Dad. My brother is 2. My brother starts with abc D. My brother starts with D, after c. I start with A. Who do you start with Mom? (I sound it out for her). "S, you start with an S.
5.What do you want to tell our family about you?
"Um, that I love them. Um, I wish I should get a baby cat". For Christmas? "NO! A baby cat toy for Christmas. I really want to do the animal sounds Mom. (toys at the coffee shop).
I think that I chose a poor time to interview Miss Autumn. She is usually tired after pre-school and they have very cool toys here that she would rather play with than sit and visit with me. She has moved to the couch in front of me and now I feel silly sitting at the lap top on my day with her.
She does love school, she won't talk about it much when she is in the car on the way home. In fact she doesn't share with me and Dana much but the second Grammie, Lala or one of the Papa's ask her she is talking a hundred miles a minute. I will have to finish this at home, in a closet, with all the lights turned off and after Autumn goes to bed.
Now, December 9th, just two short months from my last draft and just 8 short months from the last real blog. Whoah. Where o' where does the time fly away to and at the end do I get it all back to remember forever. Unfortunately I haven't been writing in the kids journals either. I keep saying to myself "don't forget this moment, it's a great one". We have so many great moments that alas I forget more than I remember. Initially I wanted to make the October blog about Autumn. Her time to shine to all of you in all the progress that she is making. I wanted to then have a blog just for Dominic. He is such a sweet little man. So, new goal. I will update you on all of us this go around with a big focus on Miss Autumn and in January give you the nitty gritty of Mister Dominic whom is turning 3! No way?! Yes way!
September was a bit difficult for me and I think for Dana too. We talked about it late at night under the cover of darkness I feel so that we wouldn't see each other get tears in our eyes and cry every Tuesday and Thursday night, Autumn's school days. Autumn took the experience like a champ and if she had any difficulty adjusting she didn't let us know. The first day that we dropped her off I waited until I was alone to cry. I thought that I would be excited for the time alone with Dominic and I thought I would get a million things done. 3 hours is not that long and it's a short drive to get her so I leave the house half hour before she gets out. Weird. So, we adjusted, we asked her questions, she rarely gave us details. We know her teacher, Miss Amy, from church and a local chiropractor's office and I occasionally work out with her. She was a great source for "been where you are", "it's going to be fine" and "I started volunteering out here when my boys started". A ha!!! I had in my mind that I would stay in Moore (about 12 miles from Lewistown), get to know the staff and all the kids would call me Miss Summer and know Dominic and I would never be more than a building away from our first born. Well, Dominic wants to be IN the classroom, not in the building where Autumn might be, he wants to "go to school with sister", and since he is two years from that it wouldn't work. If I bribe him in the car on the rare days that he has to go with me to drop her off, he only pouts but if I forget to mention "we don't cry in school", he shouts he wants to stay and it is quite loud and there are 12 other grades working while the Pre-school kiddos leave. The very neat thing about this school? I mean the part that tears me up every time I witness it, the older kids know and respect the youngest kids in the school. One day I was following Autumn to her class. She stops at her locker and puts her show and tell away after she hangs her pack and coat on her "bery" own hooks. She points out that she is here and "Autumn Gerber is right there". Two Autumns in a class of 7. Yep, there is another couple as cool as me and Dana;-) So, on this day I am following a piece of my heart with pig tails. There are 3 boys looking at a bulletin board and chatting. They have to be tall because they were all taller than me. One of the three looks over his shoulder and down, he sees Autumn before he sees me, taps the boy closest to him on the shoulder and says "look out", the other two look over and step back, all three boys look as if they are standing at attention as Autumn walks between them and the wall, they are still looking at her and they are smiling as one says "sorry about that", to Autumn, not to me. I had a lump the size of Texas in my throat. I did a quick departure that day after she let me give one of our last public kiss, hug, eskimo, nice to meet you's. These days we do our ritual departing dance in the car or as close to the lockers before any one can see. I left that day with so much happiness that I didn't really know how to share. I don't know who those boys are, I don't think I would recognize them but they made my heart so happy and gave this very new to this Mom thing almost 5 years into it that I owe them a hug.
Autumn also has a friend, Keeley. I don't know what grade she is in and I don't know if she was "assigned" to Autumn but this girl meets Autumn every day that Autumn is there. If it is too early to go to class they sit in the cafeteria together or they go outside together. She makes sure her coat is zipped, her hands are warm and if she is still having breakfast when we show she always offers to share. Autumn talks about Keeley as much as she talks about Miss Amy. Keeley is a sweetheart as is her friend that is sometimes with her while she hangs out with the two Autumns. I watched them have races in the playground on a gorgeous fall morning. Autumn Goodan took a face plant that made her bounce, my head screamed "get out! get to her! run! don't make a scene! Sit tight! She's fine! Don't embarrass her! Quick go! STAY PUT." I stayed put, I clenched my hands over my ears, for some reason if I'm really nervous or scared I cover my ears. Like I can take on the world if I can't hear it coming. Weirdo. By the time I caught my breath from the crazy town in my mind, the two older girls were helping Autumn up and the other Autumn (blonde blue eyes and tall) was leaning over her. Autumn came up with a smile on her face and the three girls helped wipe the leaves off her and off they went.  A little tiny bit of the leash was lengthened.
I cry a lot when I drive home away from her school. I am grateful for the drive because I would feel like a fool walking home crying the whole 3 blocks. Autumn is doing great out there and I know that the decision of keeping her out there or bringing her to Lewistown is going to be a very very difficult one for me.
For a while now, Grammie has been taking Dominic on Tuesdays. This means that I have free reign to do what I want while Autumn is at school. The first Tuesday I had I worked out. I didn't know what to do to get my mind off the fact neither of my babies were with me. Now, our church has a women's Bible study on Tuesday mornings. I don't get to stay for the whole thing but I get a large part and I have met some amazing women. Like AMAZING. Most of the women in there have been praying for my crazy ass as long as I can remember. Some of them are new to my life and I love every single one of them. When I don't have Bible study I feel a bit off. I have missed the ladies the last two weeks and I have to go without them for one more. On Wednesday the kiddos and I have the whole morning to do as we wish. Play dates, movie dates, cars, polly pockets, nothing, everything. What ever our hearts desire. We usually start to calm down and get ready to take a rest just in time for Autumn to go to dance at 3. Her entire class has moved up together so they will have tap added to their coolness. Dom tried dance for about a month, or 4 classes. Miss Janet does not charge the boys and was spending a lot of time talking Dom out of corners or teaching over him because he spent the first half of the class crying. We decided to try again in January when he is 3 and see if he is a little more ready for dance. There are a lot of other boys in there so it might just work out this time. Dana is not going to be Mother Ginger this year as Autumn is not in that class anymore and the verdict is it would be easier for a "taller gentleman" to handle the costume. You think? A big ol skirt that can hold 10-12 toddlers and Miss Janet, yes, I think they need a taller dude.
Dominic is more into cars, trucks, trains and "Rescue Bots" than he is into dance. He loves to dance at home and he can shake it! but he is quite happy to just watch sister from the door of the dance studio. Dom has kept the baby blues. He is the most handsome little man I know. I am very biased. At night when I am telling him stories (on the nights he requests me to lay with him) I sneak in "I love you Dominic", my heart explodes when I hear "I love you too Mom". I get that dang lump and then he finishes the thought with "what if I didn't say I love you". Well, my feelings would hurt buddy. He is curious of all things. "What if I drop this", "What if I touch this hot thing", What happens if I jump off here", What happens if the sun goes to bed", "where does Dad go when he goes to werk", "what happens if I pinch sister", and his favorite thing to say, "Watch me peewel this!" Peewel is Dom's word for an explosion, a lazer, a sling shot, an arrow, bad guy going down anything that means two things going together hard and fast. He is our Peewer.
Friday (yes, fast forward to this last weekend, the coffee shop is going to close and I miss my family), Dana and I drove to Kalispel to pick up our newest addition to the family. Her name is Piprah Bean, Autumn gave her her middle name, Dana and I chose Piprah (Peep for short) because it means "Pepper" and her legs were pepper looking when she chose us. She is a pure bred German Shepherd. She is my first pure bred and our first puppy as a family. Dana loved Gemini and Bean as if they were always his and we have missed them both so much. Molly has been such a terrific addition to our family but we decided that we want a puppy that is a blank canvas and our responsibility as a family. Molly is adjusting great and she is being patient with our little ball of curiosity. Piprah is a character. We are working on telling the kids "stand your ground, don't run from her, you are her boss, tell her no bite and sit!" Dominic was so upset this morning when Peep had his toes in her radar. She was nipping and he was running, he was so angry he yelled "Stupid dog!" In the Dana Goodan house you just don't say "stupid", ever, if you do one or both of the babies will chew you out. I have no idea how that became the queen mother of bad words and others go unnoticed. Anyway, I had to take this one since Dana was about to pass out from holding his breath so he wouldn't laugh at Dom. "Dominic, she is not a bad dog, she is a puppy. Do not call her stupid, don't run, say loud NO BITING!"  He was already half way up the wall behind the couch so we had to give his heart a chance to calm down. Peep was giving him the look of "get down here little boy, I want to taste your pigs".  I don't honestly know what we were thinking when we decided to go ahead and get here the first week of December. It has been very, very, cold here in Montana. Gorgeous, but cold. I love the snow, I always will but -24 on a road trip with a puppy that needs out every two hours was pushing the "I love our pup" limits. We have shared getting up with her the last two nights and I think we secretly curse each other while we stand in the cold knowing the spouse is curled up in bed. I benefit from the trips out because it is a drive by stop to the fridge. Dana benefits because he probably sleep walks and he is back asleep before he hits the pillow. It was a wonderful 24 hours with my husband, my bestie. We talked about the kids, ate great food, and watched a UFC fight before watching Dreamer and I Robot. Yep, totally weirdos. So, here we go. Here we go on another adventure with Peep joining the mix. Autumn E, Dommie, Molly, Dana Albert, and "MOM!" I love my life. I love every second of it even when I don't know that second that I love it.  Cheers my friends and family. More in January;-)
Piprah Bean Goodan

Feb 13, 2013

Hello friends!

It has been nice enough for strolls around the neighborhood, Dom isn't a fan of ice!

a couple months old, but this was a Daddy play day

Autumn and Grammie made a snowman the other day on their solo day.

Finally got back on a board and it was wonderful!
Autumn decided today without a doubt that she was not tired and that she told herself she would not sleep. She has been asleep for about an hour now. I have had time to blog but kept telling myself that nothing is really that interesting that someone would care to read about it. I forget that not everyone is on facebook and that a lot of you we don't get to see very often.
Dominic is a riot!!! He has taken 2 by storm and has excelled in everything. He is running faster, jumping higher (thankfully not off the couch yet) going up and down stairs with out any problems, talking a mile a minute and curious, so so curious. "What's this? What does this say? What does that say? Do you see this? Do you see that? I don't want to because...I want to because...I won't go to bed. I need to go to bed. You lay wif me Mom or Dad? Monster Trucks!" The boy loves trucks. Especially a really terrible monster truck movie on NetFlix. I think it was made in the 80's and watching it makes me embarassed for the actors.
His sister, ever ready to help...or show that she can one up him, knows how to pick movies on NetFlix, play multiple games on her KindleFire, and can reach lights on both levels so she leads the play days. They yell to each other when one leaves a room. It is important that they keep each other informed of their activities. Autumn will come running up from the basement "MOM, DAD, I have to pee! Dominic! I have to pee, you stay there!" She is usually done with her business and on her way back before he has even started to come up the stairs. She tells us when she poops. "I dropped a big bomb." Or sometimes, "I dropped to big bombs, you need the fan on and you need to spray my poop." Today she told me, "back up Mom, turn the fan on and don't watch me." Yes, dear. She is slowly starting to stand up for herself with Dominic. We tell her to push, bite or hit back. Whichever he chooses we encourage her to do it right back. She rarely does and sometimes we step in to help out. I think Dom is slowly learning that you don't bite...ever. His biggest lesson on that came one day when he latched onto Autumn's back and she couldn't get away. I came out of the woodwork that scared him in itself and I bit his arm. Yes, I bit a two year old. He went to his room sobbing and my heart hurt and my guts were turning. I hate disciplining our kids. I wish they just somehow came installed with a program of what is acceptable and what is not and when they broke a rule that simply said "rule 123 broken, I will be in my room in a time out for 10mins". Wouldn't that be something. So, we checked Autumn out to make sure the skin wasn't broken and then I went in to check on Dom. We rubbed lavender on them both and after he said sorry I carried him to our bed and the three of us watched a movie and cuddled. It is probably a terrible habit but tough lessons are usually followed by a day of doing whatever we want and lots of cuddles.
To see these two together in public is quite amazing. You would not guess that they tussle like they do at home. They watch out for each other and one always knows where the other is. When one spends the day at Grammies, near 5 o'clock the homebound one starts to get restless and ask when their sibling will be home. After the initial walk in circles around each other and test the waters, clothes are off and they are running from room to room laughing and playing. I love watching them. They amaze me. I am loving the extra time to work on the doTerra business and the quiet time I get when they play downstairs but honestly I miss them needing me all the time. I never thought I would feel that way.
I did an oil class in GreatFalls last Saturday and we met at a Montessori school. I asked a family friend about the little set ups they have there and she gave me a couple blogs and some ideas to start little lessons here. I have a few things put together that Autumn picked up on right away but I have to watch Dom as he eats the beans instead of moving them from glass to glass;)
Dana and I are going to Salt Lake next month for a training for doTerra and it will be the first time that both of us will be away from the little ones. I'm very nervous. I know that Grammie,Lala and the Papas will have it all under control but I will miss the babes. I will miss the feeling of a little person crawling up my leg in the middle of the night and the most horrendous breath on my face whispering in my face "Mom, you are my favorite Mom. Can I sleep with you?" Who can say no to that!? Not this Mom!
So, we plug away at daily life. We laugh a lot, we cry sometimes and we love each other at every chance we get. We ask each other "what was your favorite part of the day", when we sit down to eat. We say, "Angels on your pillows" at night before we sleep and we always always kiss, hug eskimo, nice to meet you, before we leave the house. We have a great ol time! Cheers friends and family!

Feb 5, 2013

Playing catch up with some photos

Dom's 2nd Birthday Party!

checking out baby Gloria

loving his gifts!

Team Umi Zumi Cake by Grammie!
Dom's reaction to our singing

blowing out candles with Daddy

Dom loves his friend Cormac
Mr. Awesome

out of sequence, but an after shot of "Mother Ginger and a Snowflake"

Autumn and Blaine, two pooped dancers!

Better glimpse of Grammie's skills!

side shot of Dom's favorite car

Even had a trunk and a plate!

Welcome to Dom town!

Autumn wishing her cousin Julianna a Happy Birthday